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Everything posted by Sudomeid

  1. Good catch... I must have had a brain fart. I have the i7-8700K, not 2800K. I've corrected it above.
  2. You're right. My mind was thinking of the 192GB RAM in the HP server when I wrote that statement. But yeah, if I go with the i7-8700K setup, I would need to add additional RAM to run 4 VMs, which I can do with two available memory slots.
  3. I too would like to know this. Am thinking of swapping out SATA for SAS drives if the benefits are worth the effort.
  4. Thank you both for chiming in. I just did a watt meter test and the DL380p is consuming around 100 watt (CPU usage was less than 5%, so that explains the low power usage), which is about 10% higher watt usage than the desktop 8700K. So power consumption is not an issue for me. For my intended use (which is Unraid, 10 dockers, and 4 VMs), which would you choose? Server-grade dual e5-2690v2 with 192GB ECC RAM or desktop i7-8700K with 16GB DDR4 RAM? Or another way of looking at it, should I go with a noisy, robust & stable hardware with high core count and large ECC RAM, OR a consumer-grade quiet machine with faster CPU/RAM, but lower core count and lower RAMs? At the end of the day, which of the two is the more powerful/optimized machine for Unraid? I know I will never max out the CPU or RAM... I just want to have the better of the two machines for running Unraid. If you were me, which direction would you go with?
  5. I have two available boxes for my Unraid and need to decide which box to install it on: Option 1 (server variant): HP DL380p 2 x Xeon e5-2890v2 192GB ECC RAM Option 2 (desktop variant): Intel i7-8700K 16GB RAM Main Uses for Unraid: - NAS - Blue Iris in VM - Pi-Hole (docker) - Plex Media Server (docker) - Emby Media Server (docker) - Deluge VPN (docker) - Nextcloud (unsure docker or VM) I am trying to decide which is the best box to use for my Unraid box. The main con against using the HP server (option 1) is the noise and power consumption, but taking that aside, which is the more powerful machine for Unraid? I want to future proof it as much as possible, as I'm sure I'll find more dockers or VMs for my Unraid in the future.
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