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Posts posted by maddhater

  1. On 1/18/2019 at 7:15 AM, binhex said:

    looking at your output from krusader, i would say this is the path to the file you want to change, looks like this is located inside the container, so you would need to do the following:-


    docker exec -it <name of container> bash
    nano /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Profiles/Chromecast.xml

    once you have edited the above file then ctrl +x , press y to confirm change, then return to overwrite file, type 'exit' then restart container.


    note the above is a TEMPORARY fix, if you pull down a new image then your container will be deleted, but lets see first if it fixes the problem you are trying to overcome.

    I am faced with a similar problem running the docker image of qbittorrent using `docker-compose`. 


    The path to my files reside in my container at: 


    /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/_docker/vfs/dir/ef7a35b6d10995ee4b241aef15e327c15c595e07daaf25dfd2d11a0a181b97ed/shares/Public/Shared Videos/DragonBallSuper/


    my `docker-compose.yml` is almost identical to the default but I have changed the volumes as such:


          - /var/lib/qbittorrent/config:/config
          - /shares/Transmission:/downloads


    It appears to be a mounting issue, but I'm unsure of how to resolve it. Any guidance would be helpful


  2. On 5/2/2020 at 11:17 AM, Highbird said:

    Morning Everyone,


    I've just setup binxhex-qbittorrentvpn using PIA and I'm able to access the web GUI and download torrents, however, if any of the links are magnet links, I can't access them, it refuses to even put them into the Transfers area. When I try to do "register to handle magnet links..." from the 'Tools' drop-down, I get the "To use this feature, the WebUI needs to be accessed over HTTPS" dialogue.


    I've read through the entire FAQ, searched the forum and only found one person with a sort of similar issue and their fix was to add their subnet/hostnet to the whitelist under 'Authentication' in the 'Web UI' settings and I did that with no change. This is driving me absolutely mad and I feel like I'm missing something super simple.


    Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!


    Additional info: I am able to use the search, right click -> go to description page -> copy the magnet link and add it via file -> add torrent URL and it will start downloading. If I right click and choose download, I get the box to confirm to start but when I hit download, nothing will happen...but only on certain torrents.



    Were you able to figure this out? Trying to get this working with a docker container on my PR2100

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