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Posts posted by DuckBrained

  1. 11 hours ago, davidmul87 said:


    Could you possibly walk me through what you did to resolve this? Apologies - I'm relative new so I'm still finding my way around. 


    One other thing, when you're on your VM settings page, under network do you have virbr0 available or just br0?

  2. 11 hours ago, davidmul87 said:

    Could you possibly walk me through what you did to resolve this? Apologies - I'm relative new so I'm still finding my way around. 


    Sure, let me write it up and I'll post it here, might take me a day or two to complete as I'll need to retrace my steps. Also, can you confirm if you need to access any of your VMs directly from the EXTERNAL network. This is something I needed which gave me headaches (as I'm using audio over IP to specialist hardware) but if they just need to talk to each other, Unraid, and the internet, it's a lot simpler!

  3. OK, I've done that and now I get 1Gb/s on both ports:


    Connecting to host, port 5201
    [  4] local port 55966 connected to port 5201
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth
    [  4]   0.00-1.00   sec   107 MBytes   899 Mbits/sec



    Connecting to host, port 5201
    [  4] local port 55968 connected to port 5201
    [ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth
    [  4]   0.00-1.00   sec   108 MBytes   903 Mbits/sec
    [  4]   1.00-2.00   sec   105 MBytes   883 Mbits/sec


  4. I'm on the cusp of having everything working as I need, but I'm struggling with a networking anomaly whereby UnRAID (or something network related) is causing the interfaces or routes to swap.


    I have two ethernet adapters, one is 10Gb which I want to use for shares, and the other is 1Gb which is used by the VMs to access the internet and some audio devices on the network. The reason for two interfaces is due to some weird behaviour detailed here.


    Anyway, here's my config:




    All works fine, I run iPerf from my Mac and I get 10Gbit speeds on the address and 100Mbit speeds on the 3.1 address. Great. Except a bit later running the same tests, the speeds have swapped to the other interfaces:






    This is a real issue as I have DNS mapped to the 0.4 address and basically I just lose the 10Gbit speeds for no apparent reason. 


    Can anyone shed any light on this? Or make any suggestions to changes I should make?


    The 1Gbit interface needs to be able to access devices on the network as does the 10Gbit interface. This is basically a workaround to a bug, yet now I see another bug...

  5. So, I put in a workaround. I set up a virtual network virbr1 with jumbo frames, and the Windows VMs access UnRAID via this network. I'm now getting 2GBps (yes GigaBytes) transfers.


    I'll write up how to do this but in essence it's simply set up the virtual network, bind it to Samba, then access UnRAID shares via the IP address of the virtual network. Jumbo frames is important as it went from 300MB/s to 2GB/s with this setting, as well as using virtio not virtio-net. Also, I have the other network adapter bound for the rest of the network. For most people you could set the Virtual Network as a bridge, but my use case requires all the VMs to be accessible from the LAN as I'm using audio over IP.

    • Like 1
  6. A brief background, due to some kind of bug (detailed here) I now have my primary NIC for UnRAID set to a 10Gbe port (br0), and all my VMs mapped to a 1Gbe port (br1). This solves the problem in the link with network write speeds across the 10Gbe switch.


    However - when I access my SMB shares from the VMs, I only get 1Gbe transfer speeds. Basically as if my VM is heading "out the door" onto the network then "back in" to UnRAID to access the data. Surely there's some way that the VM hypervisor can recognise that the shares are local and provide better speeds? The NIC in Windows shows 100Gbe as the connection speed. Any pointers?



  7. Another update.


    As I start each Windows VM that uses br0, the iperf speeds drop by approx 1Gbit/s, once they are all (7) launched I'm down to 3Gbit/s.


    As I shut down each VM, the speed increases again. When they are all shut down, I get full network speed.


    If I assign a Windows VM to virbr0 instead, it has no effect on the network speed. So it's something to do with the bridge.


    Problem is, virbr0 is no good for me as the Windows machines need to be able to accept incoming traffic.


    So, is this a bug? My ethernet controller is: Ethernet controller: Aquantia Corp. AQC107 NBase-T/IEEE 802.3bz Ethernet Controller [AQtion] (rev 02)



  8. Update: I ran iPerf, and I see only poor speeds. From client (Mac) to server (UnRAID)


    [  5]   6.00-7.00   sec   320 MBytes  2.68 Gbits/sec  


    I flipped the settings and see from UnRAID to client:


    [  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  1.09 GBytes  9.38 Gbits/sec    0    656 KBytes       


    So it's a networking issue, but why is a big puzzle right now. That CPU spike on transfer to the server is puzzling me.

  9. I'll try and provide as much info as possible but please ask for anything I've missed out.


    UnRAID configuration: 4 SSDs in the array with 1 for parity. I have a cache pool of 2 x 970 EVO Plus NVME drives. 

    UnRAID has a 10Gbe NIC, 10Gbe switch, MacBook Air with 10Gbe network via a thunderbolt dock.


    Using BlackMagic Disk Speed Test I see write speeds of no higher than 300MB/s whether writing to a share that uses cache or one that doesn't. However I get read speeds of just over 1000MB/s on both, which is what I'd expect as write speeds to cache too given the network is slower than the drives.


    One odd thing to note: when writing to the shares, one of my ISOLATED cpu cores hits 100%. So this is a CPU assigned to a VM and pinned/isolated so that UnRAID itself shouldn't use it. I shut down the VM that uses that CPU and see the same behaviour. 


    This is using SMB shares.


    Suggestions welcome.

  10. On 7/21/2021 at 12:49 PM, ich777 said:

    Nice, I also tried it but it won't run on my system, can keep an eye on this and please tell me if everything works as expected after a few days here?


    OK so after a few days I can confirm everything is still running as expected which is fantastic.


    One thing I did notice, is that running the scheduled job using User Scripts meant that snapshots weren't working correctly - the old ones weren't being deleted. However within the container the scheduled tasks all execute AND take care of removing old snapshots which is ideal.


    Anyway, I'm just glad it's all working after a few days :)

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, ich777 said:

    That would be really nice, also try to restart the container once and then see if the cron schedule is executed.


    I can confirm that the schedule ran overnight as expected :)


    Regarding a test, I set the cron job for a few minutes in the future and restarted the container. Again the scheduler ran as expected. So it looks like that's working nicely now! It seems the key is to make sure the "console" option is ticked.


    Thanks for all your work on the various dockers you maintain, they make life much easier!

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, ich777 said:

    You have to change the script slightly, the new path to luckybackup is:



    Thank you for taking the time to reply, that's really useful.


    I set the crontab and it all worked earlier with a test within luckybackup itself. I know it wasn't generating the crontab a couple of versions ago but it seems to now. Ticking the option for "console mode" in the scheduler seemed to make it work. I'll check if it runs overnight and if so I'll report back to confirm. Cheers!

    • Like 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, DuckBrained said:

    @ich777 a question re: luckybackup


    I've updated to the latest docker. It looks like the crontab is generating now but doesn't seem to run, do I need to do something else?



    Of course, I just ran the crontab test again and it works ... think I forgot to tick "console mode" ... so I will switch to that :)

  14. @ich777 a question re: luckybackup


    I've updated to the latest docker. It looks like the crontab is generating now but doesn't seem to run, do I need to do something else?


    Additionally I had this script running on a cron within User Scripts in unraid which was my workaround:


    docker exec luckyBackup /luckybackup/luckybackup -c --no-questions --silent --skip-critical "/luckybackup/.luckyBackup/profiles/UnRAID Backups.profile"


    However, now this script throws an error:


    /luckybackup/luckybackup: error while loading shared libraries: libQtGui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    Any pointers appreciated as my backups aren't running on schedule at the moment :)

  15. Has anyone had any success using one of these? I'm using a high spec AMD system but just get a black screen when using it. I'm connected to my VM with VNC, with an HDMI dead header in the graphics card. I've tried selecting it from the device list in the VM settings (doesn't even start the VM) and also using vfio.cfg to isolate the USB devices. The OS sees it but I just get the black screen.


    I can provide more info if needed but really looking for anyone with a working HDMI capture in a Windows VM. I can send it back and get a different device if needed.



  16. I'm on beta1. Installed beta22, here's what broke:


    Samba fell off domain

    VMs all disappeared (I have custom settings for VM storage and libvirt location)

    Cache drives no longer assigned to cache

    System hung and needed a forced reset


    I rolled back and then had to fix VM locations etc.

  17. Hi there


    I've searched and searched and found so many different pieces of information over the past few years and not found anything that truly answers my query.


    I have a virtual bridge, virbr0 which I use with my VMs. How can I access/assign a Docker container to this virbr0? There is nothing in the GUI that allows me to select it.



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