Thanks for the quick reply. I try to answer the open questions as good as I can
- The printer is a acuall network printer connected via a cat7 network cable.
- The network Share is on my Unraid Server (Version: 6.9.2)
Base distro:
docker: version 20.10.5
fuse3: version 3.10.2
nginx: version 1.19.9
samba: verson 4.12.14 (CVE-2020-27840 CVE-2020-27840)
Since its a Networkprinter it has an option to transfair files direct to a network storage.
I can tell him the Protokoll (SMB), the Hostname of my NAS, the Folderpath and a Username + PW to store stuff on there.
The printer Stores the Files directly on my Unraid Server. I tryed to Store the Files directly to an USB Drive, that worked fine. Also i made a network Share on my Windows 10 PC. That also worked fine. It only has a Problem, when i try to safe the File on a Share of my Unraid Server.
The whole process is like:
I go to my Printer, scan and Scan a File. The printer itself has an "Adressbook" for Networkshares which you can see above. I choose that networkshare on my Unraid Server with a given Username + PW. The printer can successfully connect to my Unraid Server and can store the file on my share (if the PW for my Useraccount is wrong or the Server is offline the printer prints an error code). After the file is stored on the Server, i go to my Windows 10 PC and try to open the file. Then i get the access denied massage.