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Posts posted by drichard

  1. 16 minutes ago, comet424 said:

    @drichard  i have had similar with 6TB and bigger drives

    my resolved issue for now was

    1.  for this   Restart the docker each time


    2..  use the other Krusader  i found this one had issues.. but the "Krusader"  docker  one  and set the PUID the other P   to 0  the the key 5 6 

    and that has seemed to to fix the issues your having  

    give it a try see what happens if it works..


    but i fell in same issue  and that worked for me  it was frustrating  

    so I installed the other krusader but I'm not seeing puid ....can I trouble you for a screen shot please

  2. sorry if this is a dumb question but I'm not seeing anything in search ....I use unraid for photography and I want to connect a 4 SD card reader to my system ....I have tested this and I see the cards show up in Unassigned disk and binhex....I am able to copy files over to my photo share just fine..now when its time to change a card ...binhex still shows the files of the last card...I tired to refresh button and restart the docker. I even remove the card reader and I still see the info in binhex...I'm I using the wrong app for what I'm trying to do?

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