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Posts posted by Helmbaek

  1. I have an issue with DelugeVPN, it seems that the application has some issues after I restarted my server - no changes happened to my setup prior to this.

    WebUI doesn't work

    Attached Unraid setup settings

    Debug log info (FYI I cleaned the token for obvious reasons)

    2023-01-08 16:39:23,663 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Valid gateway IP address from tunnel acquired ''
    2023-01-08 16:39:24,648 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json payload from URL '' using token 'CLEANED'
    [info] 12 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...
    2023-01-08 16:39:34,824 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json payload from URL '' using token 'CLEANED'
    [info] 11 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...


    What should I do to correct this?



    Let me know if you need more logs or data to assist my issues.

    Appreciate your time - thanks!

  2. Having already one graphics card installed in my server I tried adding another one, but receive this error message and couldn't find anything in the system device where I thought I needed to setup IOMMU. None of the graphics cards work when both of them are put in the server.

    Can anyone help me out how to fix this?



  3. SSD Trim Mover is a plugin I used to schedule moving cache to raid when the utilization is getting to high - but it doesn't work because of cache is read-only. I guess it's trying to cut and paste and not copy and move or something.

    I've uploaded how my shares are setup and as you can see I've set Yes for using cache on "Downloads" but mover still doesn't work 😕


    What to do?


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