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Posts posted by natellu

  1. Jdownloader is the only process that runs under java.

    I did a reboot in the console and after a few hours it actually rebooted. That "fixed" it for now but i still would like to know what its triggering, I deactivated a few docker container, the ones i added last. Lets see if its happening again. The Webui ( the part that loaded) showed a high disk read on one disk but i couldnt find anything that was causing it.

  2. Hello,

    I have the lancache docker running on unraid and a pihole on a raspberrypi.

    The Pihole works as dhcp server and has the lancache as upstream dns.

    If i download a game it doesnt get cached, i see logs filling, i see that in ressource monitor the steam.exe/origin.exe (tested with these both) downloads from my lancache ip adress but its not caching.

    nslookup steamcontent.com gives me the ip from the lancache aswell.

    I tried skipping the pihole and setting the dns directly to the lancache ip but that doesnt work either.

    The cache folder just stays empty.

    Hope you can help me

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