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  1. I am randomly unable to do a shutdown or reboot in Unraid successfully requiring me to physically hold the power button to force power off the server. It appears to be failing on a missing file in "/etc/apcupsd/powerfail" but do to my lack of much Linux knowledge this rabbit hole is endless for me. I did manage to snap a photo of the error which I have attached. I currently have a Smart-UPS 1500 attached via USB to unraid 6.12.10.
  2. I wanted to follow up. I noticed that both of the files "Preferences.xml" and "Setup Plex.xml" in the "Plex Media Server" had a size of 0 kb. So after hours of wasting my time reading, googling, reading and retrying configurations that had worked for 5+ years I just deleted them and restarted the docker container which enabled it to work. I did have to reconfigure some settings but it enabled the docker to start. I had backups from the plugins but I couldn't just grab the few files I needed and was forced to overwrite everything from what I could tell which was a no for me.
  3. I don't think its your ISP. Nothing changed on my side and I am having the exact same issue starting on around Feb. 15th which I am unable to fix. Everything else works but Plex and its giving no real errors and is running.
  4. It seems like all plg files are failing to get past the initial step. If I route to that url. EDIT: I left the window open and walked away then upon returning noticed it was just finishing up 20+ minutes later. This is not the internet connection download time. I started the GPUStat plugin install which also took a LONG time to complete. I suspect if I leave the server sit while at boot then in 3-4 hours it would likely complete
  5. I was unaware of that but is good to know. I was able to delete those via the GUI so it appears to have wiped out those plg files preventing the reinstall. I did do a quick cat on the plg file for user.scripts.plg which is running 2022.08.01 ###2022.08.01 - Use ACE editor (thanks dcflachs) - Update link for cron (thanks Magic-Mayo)
  6. Bought a new 1 TB SSD to replace my old 500 GB SSD being used as a cache drive. I shut down the pc installed the new drive and powered on resulting in being stuck at the Starting Samba section. Quickly searched and found the common problem was the nvidia-driver which I use and assumed this was the issue. I powered down cut the folder out of the plugins directory and pasted on a temp folder on a windows computer then returned the jump drive back to unraid. Powered on and after 20 minutes was still stuck on the Samba at boot. Removed the network cable and rebooted which to my astonishment actually let the system boot. The plug-ins page refused to perform an update getting stuck on checking user.scripts.plg ... and now had with the additional failed tab containing three plugins. It gave me the option to delete which I did since the check for updates was clearly broken, I had zero ability to likely update them so might as well purge them. Purged GPUStat, Nvidia-Driver and Tips.and.tweaks plugins. Once I deleted those plugins which failed, I figured another reboot was in order to get back to a clean state and re-add them back but again stuck at Samba. The attached diagnostic file is after booting to safe mode and starting the array. Edit: removed diagnostics zip file as it appears to be just unbearably slow all of a sudden.
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