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Everything posted by RudyValentino

  1. I know this was weeks ago and you've probably figured this out by now but... I'm trying to get Geoblocker working on my Nextcloud today and got this same error. I got rid of it by installing the Geoblocker required packages: sudo apt-get install geoip-bin geoip-database And to check if exec is allowed in PHP, open php.ini and search for 'disable_functions'. If exec isn't in that list, reasonably sure it's enabled. I can't say I've gotten Geoblocker working yet because I'm using Nginx as a reverse proxy to a Apache2 web server, and my external ip keeps showing up as a localhost lan ip. If I can get that corrected with the external ip I think I'm there. Something something 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'. Good luck.