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Everything posted by takinsjr

  1. That's exactly what I am looking for. I just wasn't sure of the cleanest method and wanted to make sure there wasn't some top secret easy method I hadn't thought of. Thanks for your help!
  2. Is it possible to "duplicate" my unraid to new hardware and disks? I know I would have to work out getting the data over, but aside from that what is the process? I've not had much luck finding other examples of this, most reuse their drives it seems. In those cases it looks like its move them over and plug in the USB. But if it's all going onto new drives I assume that wouldn't work. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!
  3. Ok I thought it might be a case of wait till it lets me. Web GUI says up to date at 18.0.6. Thanks for confirming for me now I’ll stop worrying
  4. I want to apologize in advance as typically I like to resolve things myself, but I might be blind. My Nextcloud is 18.0.6, and I'm pretty certain the container is up to date (it runs automatically but I did it manually as well). Everything works fine I followed SpaceInvader's video so no issue really, I just can't figure out why I don't have the option to upgrade to 19 and I don't like the thought of something not working haha. Really just wondering if something's wrong or if its working as intended. Thanks for all the help so far anonymously and help going forward.
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