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Posts posted by Mettbrot

  1. Hi!

    I didn’t know anyone was still using this! I can most definitely look at this problem next week and see to get this solved :)

    Regarding tvheadend itself, Iam afraid there is no newer stable release than 4.2.8 and the development of the unstable builds is pretty stale at the moment...


  2. Hi,


    I think it would be nice if you could (auto)start the array with only unencrypted disks but still be able to run dockers, plugin, services... This is usefull if the server is started but no one can currently put in the passphrase.


    This used to be a feature back in the RC phase where it was called restricted start, but it got removed in a later RC.



    implementation: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/60292-unraid-os-version-640-rc9f-available/

    removal: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/61425-unraid-os-version-640-rc11i-available/

    discussion: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/61425-unraid-os-version-640-rc11i-available/?tab=comments#comment-602693

    related topic (in deprecated board): https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/69065-restricted-start


    Is there currently a way to have the server autostart dockers/services/plugins when there are ancrypted disks but no passphrase?


    All the best

  3. On 8/13/2019 at 6:58 PM, 172pilot said:

    Having the same problem..  TVHeadEnd is stopped (Ive stopped and started many times, but can't figure this out!)  What do you mean disable "at the top"?

    I also can't edit the data directory:




    Hi Steve,


    you may only change the settings if you flip the top most option of the plugin settings page to disable and apply.


    Also, I pushed an update to remove the warnings on the settings page, thanks for the heads up!

  4. 11 hours ago, pluginCop said:

    Marking this plugin as being incompatible with unRaid 6.7+ as @Mettbrot hasn't been online for awhile, and it hasn't been updated to actually be compatible with 6.6 (all those warnings are hidden on 6.6).  Probably better off using the docker app instead.

    Thank you for the heads up. I will try to fix the errors this weekend, maybe some people are still using the plugin :)

  5. Hi,


    I had the problem that my device wasn't recognized in the 6.6.0 build and went back to 6.5.3 - maybe you could try this too?


    Apart from that I need a little more info on what exactly does not work.

    Normally you can remove the plugin via the web interface in the plugin section.

  6. On 9/27/2018 at 1:50 AM, samo said:

    Tried to update to 6.6.0 LibreELEC but got DVB Adapter Drivers: Not Detected for my Sony PlayTV.


    Went back to 6.5.3 and it's working as expected:

    unRAID Version: 6.5.3
    Linux Kernel Version: 4.14.49
    DVB Version: LibreELEC
    Driver Version: 1.2.2
    DVB Kernel: Detected
    DVB Adapter Drivers: Detected
    DVB Adapter 0: DiBcom 7000PC
    DVB Adapter 1: DiBcom 7000PC



    Missing drivers?


    I had the same problem with my GeniaTech mygica T230 USB DVB-T2/C stick . Maybe in the build for 6.6.1 it will be resolved :)

  7. Hi,


    I am just getting comfortable with the whole encryption idea and I thought back to the RC phase where I read something about restricted start, but it got removed in a later RC.

    What is the status of this, I think there is a valid usecase for this: starting the array with only unencrypted disks but still be able to run dockers, plugin, services...



    implementation: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/60292-unraid-os-version-640-rc9f-available/

    removal: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/61425-unraid-os-version-640-rc11i-available/

    discussion: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/61425-unraid-os-version-640-rc11i-available/?tab=comments#comment-602693

    related topic (in deprecated board): https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/69065-restricted-start


    Is there currently a way to have the server autostart dockers/services/plugins when there are ancrypted disks but no passphrase?


    All the best


  8. I just checked and the plugin works fine under both 6.4.1 and 6.5 :)



    On 6.2.2018 at 2:50 AM, ljm42 said:

    @Mettbrot, Does this plugin work on unRAID 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 ?  One user had issues and I'm wondering if CA needs to mark it as incompatible?



    edit - hmm, that person might not be on 6.4.1 after all.  I have asked for clarification.


  9. 12 hours ago, allanp81 said:

    Is there any reason to use this plugin version of the dockers? I'm using the linuxserver docker but just wondering what advantages/disadvantages are to using this plugin version instead?


    I took over the plugin back in the day when there were no dockers mainly because I run it on my server also. I have never tried the Docker, I suppose it also works great. This is just my little project and I keep it here in case anyone else is interested :)

  10. Hi everyone!


    I am still on an ongoing trip until the first weekend of march so I do not have access to my unRaid machine until then and could not update/test with the new version. I willl do so as soon as I am back home and will update the plugin accordingly! :)


    If something is not working with tvheadend if its not starting/stopping, it always helps to get the output of (adapt your config directory):


    sudo -u root tvheadend -c /mnt/cache/Apps/tvheadend -u root -g video -f -S


    Happy tvheadending :P

  11. 7 hours ago, alturismo said:


    here its located in /appdata/nextcloud


    After a lot of digging I found out that the log file is not in /config but in /data which contains the cloud data. Dont know why it would be there but OK. This file revealed that the binloging format of the mariaDB was wrong. So I checked my custom.cnf but it contained that important binlogging_format=mixed line. It just did not accept my custom config at all!


    Long story short: Your /mnt/cache/Apps/mariadb/custom.cnf must not be chmod 777 or alike but instead be 0644 for mariadb to accept it. Source: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1811158 So be careful with the NewPrmission tool!


    Problem solved!

  12. I couldn't even find the nextcloud.log file anywhere? Where is it normally located?


    On 27.10.2017 at 11:46 AM, Mettbrot said:



    ever since the last round of updates I cannot logon my nextcloud server. When I log In using my admin username and password I get an "Internal Server Error"


    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.


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