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Everything posted by avazen

  1. Hi, weird problem after installing and booting a windows VM, it will crash at some point and the VM page will fail to load forever, and then cause all other unraid pages to be unresponsive until you clear cache is this a known bug or is it just me
  2. I have the diagnostics before I rebooted. I killed the process, deleted it and rebooted and its nowhere to be seen. Very weird though, all I've done is setup shares and some docker containers. Nothing else. I assume there's no way its malware or something? tower-diagnostics-20200707-2106.zip
  3. Hi, I installed unraid today on my system, and after around 8 hours of good times the webui started changing text into errors (like an overflow), and i check htop and "/usr/bin/obama1" is using 100% of two cpus What's going on here?
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