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  1. hello, I am just new to docker and seem to have actually set this up on windows 10 took me a few days. First Thanks a ton works GREAT, thanks! To get your container to docker in Windows 10 the script had to look like this below (took some time to find this one) $ docker run --privileged -d ` -v /your/config/path/:/config ` -v /your/downloads/path/:/downloads ` -e "VPN_ENABLED=yes" ` -e "LAN_NETWORK=" ` -e "NAME_SERVERS=," ` -p 8080:8080 ` -p 8999:8999 ` -p 8999:8999/udp ` markusmcnugen/qbittorrentvpn My problem is and I guess its more of a can you help me with. Sonarr, radarr and jacket are install on windows 10, bittorrentvpn installed on same machine in docker, all seems to be going ok but I found a hickup and not sure if its addressable, in sonarr its reporting that after the file has finished downloading in qtorrentvpn and turns off seeding and is marked completed, then sonarr tries to move the file to the appropriate area, then I get this error below. [/downloads/torrents/completed/sonarr/file] is not a valid local path. You may need a Remote Path Mapping (My belief is that the conversion from windows say c:\downloads to linux /downloads is only 1 way) (the sonarr category is added by sonarr) This is my download path in qbittorrentvpn docker --- -v C:\Users\Jeff\Downloads\:/downloads This is my download path in the qbittorent --- /downloads/torrents/completed (the downloads from qbittorentvpn goto the correct spot) So Sonarr sends search to jackett which sends .torrent to qbittorrent (works fantastic through vpn btw) up to this point all ok, sends notification back to sonarr that its completed, now sonarr does not understand the path translation back from the qbittorrent and cannot move the downloaded file to the proper location. looks like docker/qbitorrentvpn is sending /downloads/file instead of C:\Users\Jeff\Downloads\file back to sonarr Any ideas other then me dockering all of it, or going full on linux (VERY green with linux and docker)