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Posts posted by Gunnm

  1. Je me repond à moi meme j'ai réussi à le faire fonctionner il faut bien installer les driver pour ceux que ça interesse le petit bout de code j'ai certainement une etape ou une erreur quelque part car lorsque j'install les drivers il y a des messages d'erreur mais ça fonctionne : 

    #Install les composants nécéssaire

    apt install -y --no-install-recommends libvulkan1 mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra vulkan-tools curl sudo gpg kmod


    #Install les drivers

    ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-550.54.14.run --silent --accept-license --skip-depmod --skip-module-unload --no-kernel-module --no-kernel-module-source --install-compat32-libs --no-nouveau-check --no-nvidia-modprobe --no-systemd --no-distro-scripts --no-rpms --no-backup --no-check-for-alternate-installs --no-libglx-indirect --no-install-libglvnd


    • Like 1
  2. Non j'ai pas trop oser demander déjà il bosse gratos si c'est pour demander des ajustements :) 


    Ben c'est aussi ce qu'il. me semble pour moi il n'y avait qu'a ajouter les bons paramètres mais j'utilise steamheadless pour le faire du cloud gaming et sur ce docker il installe bien les drivers (j'ai essayé de récupérer le script mais j'ai une erreur comme si les drivers était déjà installé) et sur ce docker le proxy fonctionne donc je suppose qu'il y a bien un truc à installer mais je ne vois pas quoi ....  

  3. Bonjour, 


    Je suis un utilisateur Unraid depuis de nombreuse année maintenant parfaitement satisfait je l'utilise comme serveur cloud pour le gaming la music les bd l'ia etc ....


    Malgrès celà j'ai un mal fou à comprendre comment on fait fonctionner les drivers nvidia dans un dockers. Je voudrais installer un logiciel pour faire un upscale des BD que l'on trouve ici : 


    Malheureusement son docker pour nvidia ne fonctionne pas les drivers ne correspondent pas au dernière version si quelqu'un sait comment je peux installer une base ubuntu avec des drivers nvidia fonctionnelle je suis preneur :)

  4. Hi, 


    I can't start Leon-AI if anybody had a suggest 


    I had this error


    error Command failed with exit code 243.
      throw err;

    Error: Cannot find module '/home/docker/leon/server/dist/index.js'
        at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:956:15)
        at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:804:27)
        at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
        at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
      code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
      requireStack: []
    error Command failed with exit code 1.


    and crash after that 

    vite v2.9.15 building for production...
    ✓ 93 modules transformed.
    rendering chunks...
    ../dist/assets/favicon.e9708100.png   11.14 KiB
    ../dist/assets/logo.0679f287.svg      7.57 KiB
    ../dist/assets/mic.d8267246.svg       0.75 KiB
    ../dist/index.html                    1.41 KiB
    ../dist/assets/index.01b87fac.css     4.40 KiB / gzip: 1.61 KiB
    ../dist/assets/index.a660ba9d.js      105.60 KiB / gzip: 35.85 KiB
    Web app built

    > [email protected] build:server
    > npm run delete-dist:server && npm run train && npm run generate:skills-endpoints && babel ./server/src -d ./server/dist --copy-files && shx mkdir -p server/dist/tmp

    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
    yarn run v1.22.19
    $ cross-env LEON_NODE_ENV=production node ./server/dist/index.js
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

    ** Appuyer une touche pour fermer cette fenêtre ** 


  5. If anybody help I had two errors : 

    2022-12-15 17:38:27,186 INFO spawnerr: command at '/usr/bin/start-xorg.sh' is not executable
    2022-12-15 17:38:27,188 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 187
    2022-12-15 17:38:27,189 INFO spawned: 'pulseaudio' with pid 188
    2022-12-15 17:38:27,190 INFO spawned: 'vncproxy' with pid 189
    2022-12-15 17:38:27,190 INFO spawnerr: command at '/usr/bin/start-x11vnc.sh' is not executable
    2022-12-15 17:38:27,191 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 190


    I don't understand where this script are executable (when I do manually doesn't work too) 

  6. Hi, 


    Josh5 work on this on its repository (Dockerfile.archlinux). I had test to start the docker but for now he don't work I had an issue on startup Xorg. if I can make it work I will share (there is not much work but I am not an expert so I am moving slowly) 

  7. It's not very important but I want to understand, I had a very strange issue with emulatorjs I can launch the docker and use all is ok but if I left the docker running it crash the server (after approximatively after one hour we don't have access to web interface and the IP is not present on the router).


    I don't know how to see the error because I need to reboot and I had only the log from the start of server.

  8. Hi, 


    I have a strange issue, i had change my password for a more strong password and update unraid to the new 6.10 rc1. Since this time my community account it alway locked. I think the first time it's because i don't have restart the server with the new password, but now I had change now my account is regulary locked and myserver doesn't work and i don't no why ? (before the change of password and the update of version i don't have any problem) 

  9. On 10/19/2020 at 3:54 PM, Gunnm said:

    Also isn't ComicRack a GUI application for Windows? 
    ==> Yes it's that I have build a docker with wine and winetricks because, to be precise, it's doesn't work with mono-gecko we need to install wintricks and dotnet45 (and other tools wmi corefonts wsh57 all installable in the container) in this case I can launch the application without error. In the docker I share a directory (where the comics are stocked) with the wine explorer application I don't have any problem to read the directory. 

    But Comicrack can't read the same directory (she don't launch the files parser) it's for that I suppose it's a problem between the dotnet45 and the directory shared by unraid because estrangely it's work when i deploy the same docker locally.   


    All works fine with the docker debian-buster and the attached files unfortunately it is not very efficient


  10. Also isn't ComicRack a GUI application for Windows? 
    ==> Yes it's that I have build a docker with wine and winetricks because, to be precise, it's doesn't work with mono-gecko we need to install wintricks and dotnet45 (and other tools wmi corefonts wsh57 all installable in the container) in this case I can launch the application without error. In the docker I share a directory (where the comics are stocked) with the wine explorer application I don't have any problem to read the directory. 

    But Comicrack can't read the same directory (she don't launch the files parser) it's for that I suppose it's a problem between the dotnet45 and the directory shared by unraid because estrangely it's work when i deploy the same docker locally.   


    How would you display it through Unraid?
    ==> Like an application in a light desktop (it's work) the target it's to use comicrack like comics file manager (it's really advanced for that)  and ubooquity for readings (it's one of tools which have the particularity to read the comicrack metadata). And you a very cool result for example :



  11. Have you tried Proton? Proton also works with other games that are not directly Steam.

    One sidenote, I would give it a differnt name than Game-Server since it's something to stream games to avoid confusion. I think something Game-Streaming-Container or something like that, but that's up to you.

    I will look into this.


    ==> Yes proton work well but I have some problem of compatibilities. In my use case i share a repertory where I have installed all the games it's more easy to start a docker than a windows VM. I thinks it's interesting to have a docker with all tools for gaming. 


    ==> I'm right with you the name it's not clear i will change. It's not well documented and organized because it's not ready. 


    I also got Wine baseimage where Wine is preinstalled or also a Wine baseimage with noVNC preinstalled (of course you need to write the scripts yourself to make it run).

    I will also look into this but notice that my time is really limited and it can take some time.


    ==> At the first I do the script with yours but I wanted to test with an ubuntu because the issue and a more thinner container. Yes I understand very well. You done many project for the community I don't want to loose your time and i thinks it's more a problem with mono than the docker.

  12. I think if you want to learn how to build a Docker Container it would be better to start with something simpler and not that complex, both Windows applications and also my Debian-Buster-Nvidia Container could be very complex for starters...


    Why not use the script itself and share it as a tutorial?


    ==> With pleasure :) 

    https://github.com/Gunnm92/Games-server ==> My objectif it's to create a docker to run games in a container it's work well with Steam (outside the problem of controller) but i want to add lutris to launch more games 


    https://github.com/Gunnm92/ComicRack ==> My objectif it's to run an application called Comicrack (I have never found a better application to manage comics) and i would like to start it in a docker. I have build my docker based on yours dockers and all works fine and easy to do. Unfortunately I have a problem with the application, it cannot read the share directory with unraid (although strangely it works when I deploy it locally even with a smb directory) and it's a problem with the application because I can watch the files in the explorer


  13. Hi


    Thanks for your time to answer :) 



    That should be no problem but you can also do this with a script at the container start.

    For more information feel free to contact me again.

    ==> Yes you had already explain that in the forum but it's also for me to understand how to build a docker (I had successfully build a container with a windows software called comicrack unfortunetaly I had an other error :) ) and maybe share with other users.


    I don't understand that completely...

    You want to build a fork of Debian-Buster Nvidia and use the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin as source?

    ==> Yes in first i had tested by create a docker directly from yours with same variables. The build of the container works, but the nvidia driver in the container doesn't work. My conclusion is i need to rebuild the docker with unraid-kernel-helper but when i do that I have the error describe above at the build of the container (but maybe it's wrong i'm not a advanced user).

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