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Posts posted by NeoSys

  1. 15 minutes ago, binhex said:

    the name is not that important, the location is, you need to remove all files/folders in /config/openvpn/ then copy your new ones into there, then restart the container.

    Binhex I am really confused I can not find that folder. What I have is appdata/binhex-sabnzdvpn inside I have three folders admin Downloads and logs

  2. Hi Folks,


    I have used this container for some time with out issues and love it! Having said that I hate PIA and decided to change to a deal by CYBERGHOST VPN but I am a bit confused on how to setit up with this container,


    I have set vpn username and vpn password to cyberghost user and pass.

    Container Variable: VPN_PROV to custom

    Container Variable: VPN_CLIENT openvpn


    Went to cyberghost and configured device and downloaded configuration below are the files in the zip:






    This is where I am lost where do I place these files and what name should they be given?


    Any help will really be appreciated!





  3. 6 hours ago, saarg said:


    Please remove that log and pastebin it. It's a pain to scroll on a mobile device. It's also the unraid log, which will not help much getting help to get Jellyfin running.


    I don't remember if you are trying to install Jellyfin and use existing appdata or start from scratch (thank your log for that)? If you are not starting from scratch, please try it.


    Done Sorry about that. Ok so if server log does not help on diagnostics than what will?


    Now I deleted the Docker image so had to go and re download apps.


    When you say from scratch is there something that I need to delete in the appdata folder?

  4. I had an issue with my cache where somehow my data folder became cache only long story short Docker failed had days of trying to figure out was wrong and why my cache drive would not move after days and days of reading I found the mistake by then I had deleted my docker and had o do a full reinstall of all my apps they are now all working except Jellyfin.


    At first it wold not even load the admin page after reading here I saw some people had issues with that an they downgraded the docker I did the same I used 10.6.4-1: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/jellyfin/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated&name=10.6.4


    Now it loads the "Tell us about yourself" page but after putting in the information and clicking "Next" it just opens up a circle that never stops spinning and wont go to next page.


    Please help this is the one reason we have a server. below is my server log if it helps.



  5. On 11/5/2020 at 10:46 AM, Lignumaqua said:

    @NeoSys - You aren't being clear, but just to try and clarify what I think is going on here if your 'issue' is with PIA.


    1. PIA's support for OpenVPN V2.5 is very spotty and varies from server to server. 

    2. I also think this is changing as they upgrade servers, so a server that worked yesterday might not today, or vice-versa.

    3. As far as I can tell, best advice right now, no matter what cipher you are using, is to make sure you have the 'ncp-disable' line in your ovpn file. It might work without on some servers but it's a dynamic situation.

    4. Also make sure you are using your PIA login username and password which start with p--------, not the SOCKS one.


    Thanks I have tried all the options here. I just did exactly above right now. The problem that I am having is after the container starts I click on "Status and interface options"  and I get "Public IPv4 address Connection failed!" and "Nameserver / DNS Lookup Connection failed!" if I keep clicking on refresh eventually I will get the PIA IP address and the DNS but a few minutes later I will get the same error messages. If I try to download something the file will take for eve to fetch and than it will just sit there and either download after a while or abort. Now an aborted file I will retry and sometimes it will actually download correctly.


    I am using 4096 Files and using US New York

    On 11/5/2020 at 9:10 AM, binhex said:

    i think you are alone with your issue, thats why i need to know what it is, until that time i cannot help.

    and that issue is? i have looked at your profile and you have made no other posts in this thread.

    Again I did not mean to bother. The biggest issue for me to post here is I am like really new so sometimes I do not know how to answer questions so the way I fix things is by waiting for others to keep asking and I try what they are told how to fixes and up to now I always find a fix lol.


    But please if you can look at my issue above and if you need more info please ask away and I will do my best not to look like an idiot finding what you need for me to help me fix this.


    I love this container and never had an issue I use all your containers as recommended by spaceinvader and I am so glad I have done that. So please do not take anything I have said or asked as some king of insult or dig, I am so thankful for people like you and can only but praise your amazing work.



    Thank you both!



  6. 3 hours ago, binhex said:

    thanks for the detailed explanation of your issue \s, before i whip out my crystal ball can you tell me what 'issues' you are having?

    Im sorry my intent was just to make a light comment. I expected for me not to be the only one and I know its frustrating when you think you are alone with issues so my comment was meant to let others know not alone. My issues have been mentioned already by others so I am just patiently waiting to see how solutions keep coming and I will keep trying, im positive as always a solution will come that will work.

  7. On 10/12/2020 at 8:44 PM, kostab said:

    I followed the spaceinvaderone videos to setup my delugevpn and radarr.

    Everything worked as expected until I tried routing radarr through the deluge container.

    Now when I type in the serverip and port number, I get the message saying “This site can’t be reached”.

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    I’m adding my log file if that helps.

    log.txt 49.79 kB · 1 download

    Watch this video you need to add another path to access GUI

  8. Hi you all. I hope that one of you have installed docker-amtd (Automated Movie Trailer Downloader :: AMTD is a Radarr Companion script to automatically download movie trailers for use in media applications) I am still learning how to use volumes and I have searched everywhere and requested help at the creators Discord but have not received any answers and I am also new at Discord so I do not know if I am searching correctly to find my answer.


    While installing it has specific instructions that follow: !!!Important!!! :: You must add a volume that matches your Radarr's volume mappings associated with Radarr's Library Root Folder settings


    If I understand it means to add a new path but what I do not understand is to where. So please if any of you have installed this app could you provide to where I need to add the path to the help will be so welcomed!







  9. 53 minutes ago, Merijeek said:

    So...the impression that I'm getting is that, if using port forwarding, PIA is hosed indefinitely. 


    But I'm not using any port forwarding, and I seem to be in a failed connection loop in my binhex-delugevpn log. 


    Am I misreading things, or do I have a different problem from everyone else?

    Are you positive that you have


    Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD = no

  10. 1 hour ago, PipWinsAgain said:

    Edit: writing this a little more clearly


    I want to change my PIA vpn server. I have replaced my ovpn file with a vancouver one, but the change wont take affect.

    I am still getting these lines in my log:

    2020-09-11 22:44:24.038956 [info] OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at /config/openvpn/.ovpn
    2020-09-11 22:44:24.086882 [info] VPN remote line defined as 'remote de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com 1198'


    I have put the files in the path: tower/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/config/openvpn/

    also have the same files in the path: tower/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/ to rule anything out

    Did you delete credentials.conf and re-start the container?

  11. For those that have not yet been able to connect rest assured you can, it took me many tries but I was finally able to connect to Spain my normal go to is Toronto comparing speeds its less than half with the Spain server but still way faster than just not using port forwarding. I hope this helps some of you who might be discouraged.


    As some of you I still have 6 months left with PIA and have been them for years now but I will also look at alternatives if this is not taken care.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    CA Vancouver was working for me yesterday but now the WebUI will not even load.


    Switched to Toronto and now that works for me.


    There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what works and what does not.

    No doubt it works for you but not for me I have yet found one that works. Its crazy how random it is lol. I hope they fix this quick.

  13. It seems multiple people here have the same issue and has anybody solved it? I have also installed SONARR and RADARR and they both move the files into my media folders but as others here LIDARR does not again I ask has anybody found a solution to this?



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