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Everything posted by BVroc

  1. Thanks for the feedback, although it's certainly not encouraging. It seems to amount to: "If it's not fixed soon, just wait longer!" Heh, ok. Wonder if anyone else will have anything to add to this story. Odd that it does keep happening at random under certain conditions I have found with a few others reporting the problem (there's couple on reddit for example). I can hope that 6.9 final might have the magical fix.
  2. I have upgraded my machine from 6.9.0 beta 25 to beta 29 and now the webgui on the local monitor no longer runs. It stops at a black screen with a blinking underline cursor. In all other ways, the Unraid service acts normal and can be accessed over the web by IP, and appears as expected. I've tried various bios changes (CSM off / on, with and without Legacy / UEFI for boot and other PCIe devices) and nothing fixes this. I have an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU with an iGPU. Both work with the Unraid webgui on beta 25, neither work with beta 29. Wiping the array and using a new clean beta 29 USB boot stick does not fix it either. Both beta 25 and beta 25 work with full output of the boot process, with bios, Unraid boot mode select in the blue box, and full console diag output text crawl work just fine. It's just the local webgui does not launch. (The glib answer of "you don't want that anyway" isn't the point, thanks. 🙂 ) I have found that this has happened to others several times in the past, with no definitive resolution. I would be happy to provide the diagnostic output if someone could lend a hand. This is a verifiable situation with beta 29 vs beta 25 in my case. Rolling back to a previously saved USB image from beta 25 fixes this issue immediately. Quick System Information screenshot attached.
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