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Posts posted by McFex



    This post is one high top example for a useless and absolut unnecessary post.


    Yeay, the headline is changed to ******SOLVED****** in big fat letters - but HOW it was solved is missing.


    Thank you, dear OP, for leaving behind some hope for people with the same problem just to smash it right away, when they come here to find you did not bother to explain what, how and when.




    Now for the more conciliatory part:


    In all the forums you seek and often even get help the common sense is (and frankly the least you can do for getting help for free) to post the solution in the end, so the people who might have the same problem in the future have a better chance to find an answer.

    So maybe you can find it in you to tell me (who does have the exact same problem) how it was resolved?


    Thank you in advance,


  2. Also, eigentlich war ich mir sicher, ich hatte vor meinem Post extra nochmal recherchiert, muss aber gestehen, dass ich bei den Ergebnissen nicht darauf geachet habe, ob die von vor oder nach der Reform waren.

    Es fühlt sich für mich einfach so dermaßen flasch an, dass ich jedesmal wenn ich es sehe darüber nachdenken muss - kleiner Psycho halt :D.


    Du hast aber recht, ich habe grade nochmal im Duden meiner Mutter geschaut, die ist da immer aktuell. Auf deutsch heißt es in der Literatur "Stopp".


    Jetzt könnte man natürlich darüber streiten, dass der Server im Grunde ja eine Maschine ist, und von daher auf dem Stopp-Knopf ruhig auch "Stop" stehen könnte, worauf man dann erwiedern könnte, dass es ja aber darum geht, eine deutsche Übersetzung für die Bezeichnungen zu finden  und endlos diskutieren - aber so wichtig ist es mir dann doch nicht - mein Psycho-Hirn wird sich schon dran gewöhnen.

    Oder ich kehre einfach zur englischen Sprachversion zurück, was ja auch nicht ganz unklug ist, da limetechs Muttersprache (und eigentlich auch die der Computerwelt) ja quasi englisch ist ;)

    • Haha 1
  3. Moin Moin,


    Mir ist ein Fehler in der deutschen Übersetzung aufgefallen.

    Ich habe die betreffende Stelle auf Github gesucht, aber leider finde ich den Eintrag nicht:


    Im Main Tab (Übersetzt mit START) gibt es im unteren Bereich einen Button, der die Arrey stoppt.

    Der muss "Stop" heißen - und NICHT "Stopp".


    Nur, wenn man jemanden auffordert, etwas zu stoppen, schreibt man das Wort mit doppel-p: z.B. den Ausruf "Stopp!" .

    Auf Schildern (z.B. im Strassenverkehr oder an Maschinen) muss es korrekt "Stop" mit nur einem p heißen.

    Ich habe lange gezögert, weil ich mir kleinlich vorkam, aber letztendlich ist es einfach falsch (und macht mich verrückt 🤪, aber da bin ich halt ein wenig psycho...)


    Aber der erste Grund sollte ja ausreichend sein, um das bei Gelegenheit mal zu korrigieren ;)

  4. 6 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    you would not get this problem if you use a ‘copy’ operation.     It occurs when you try and use a ‘move’ operation from the command line (or a Docker container) as the way Linux implements move can by-pass the UnRaid User Share system if Linux thinks both source and target are on the same mount point leaving the moved file on the same physical drive but in the new folder.


    Yeah, but in the end that means the extra step deleting the files at the source.


    And as always it depends on the individual usecase scenario, which way fits best.

    "user0" seems to be a good enough solution if you insist on moving rather than copying your files from cache to a share set to NOT use cache.

  5. I just had to solve this problem and wanted to add here that this is NOT FIXED yet, and that I don't think it really needs fixing.


    It should just be a little bit better communicated, that one needs to use the way through /mnt/user0/ to copy/move data from cache to shares which have using cache set to NO.

    Maybe a popup note when you set a share to "use cache: NO"?

    Like "Don't forget to move data from the cache to this share through /mnt/user0/ to prevent errors or even data loss", or something like that?

  6. I know the thread is 2 years old, but since I just searched for a solution about a similar problem and this thread poped up on quite a prominent position, I think I should share my findings:


    If a share is set to use NO cache and you want to move/copy data from a cache drive to it, and you go from /mnt/user/whatever to /mnt/user/whateverother, unraid ends up writing the moved data to the cache drive, creating a /whateverother share on the cache, as if "use cache" was set to YES.

    But the MOVER won't do anything, since the said share is actually set to NOT use cache. It won't take long until "Fix Common Problems" alerts you about this situation.

    I don't have an answer on why it is doing this, but I have a ...




    Move data from cache to shares that are set to "use chache: NO" by moving the files from /mnt/user/whatever to /mnt/user0/whateverother. Now the files get actually moved to said share (following the rules set up on how to write to the shares), without unraid trying to write to the cache first.


    I hope that helps any future visitors to this thread,



  7. Hi guys - joining the party :(


    Same issue here, too.

    Still on unraid 6.8.3, pulling latest image or complete reinstall did not work.


    [13Mar2021 22:37:22.522] ain/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FixSSL/CORE]: Added Lets Encrypt root certificates as additional trust
    [13Mar2021 22:37:22.809] ain/INFO] ixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.2 Source=file:/config/mineos/games/servers/createmod/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0.8.2/mixin-0.8.2.jar Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER
    [13Mar2021 22:37:24.192] ain/INFO] [STDERR/]: [jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine:<init>:143]: Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
    [13Mar2021 22:37:24.481] ain/INFO] [STDERR/]: [jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine:<init>:143]: Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
    [13Mar2021 22:37:24.521] ain/INFO] [STDERR/]: [jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine:<init>:143]: Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
    [13Mar2021 22:37:27.468] ain/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'fmlserver' with arguments [--gameDir, ., nogui]
    [13Mar2021 22:37:53.927] odloading-worker-2/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeMod/FORGEMOD]: Forge mod loading, version 36.0.58, for MC 1.16.5 with MCP 20210115.111550
    [13Mar2021 22:37:53.962] odloading-worker-2/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge/FORGE]: MinecraftForge v36.0.58 Initialized
    [13Mar2021 22:37:57.050] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Starting version check at https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/promotions_slim.json
    [13Mar2021 22:37:59.377] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Found status: BETA Current: 36.0.58 Target: 36.0.58
    [13Mar2021 22:38:07.765] ain/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.gen.settings.DimensionGeneratorSettings/]: No key layers in MapLike[{}]; No key structures in MapLike[{}]; Not a registry ops
    [13Mar2021 22:38:08.031] ain/INFO] [com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService/]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
    [13Mar2021 22:38:08.335] ain/FATAL] [net.minecraft.server.Main/]: Failed to start the minecraft server
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at net.minecraft.world.storage.SaveFormat.<init>(SaveFormat.java:77) ~[?:?]
    at net.minecraft.world.storage.SaveFormat.func_237269_a_(SaveFormat.java:85) ~[?:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(Main.java:115) ~[?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:?]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566) ~[?:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLServerLaunchProvider.lambda$launchService$0(FMLServerLaunchProvider.java:51) ~[forge-1.16.5-36.0.58.jar:36.0]
    at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.java:37) odlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?]
    at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:54) odlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?]
    at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:72) odlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?]
    at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:82) odlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?]
    at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:66) odlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.server.ServerMain$Runner.runLauncher(ServerMain.java:63) [forge-1.16.5-36.0.58.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.server.ServerMain$Runner.access$100(ServerMain.java:60) [forge-1.16.5-36.0.58.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.server.ServerMain.main(ServerMain.java:57) [forge-1.16.5-36.0.58.jar:?]
    Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:100) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:111) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:116) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.toRealPath(UnixPath.java:860) ~[?:?]
    at net.minecraft.world.storage.SaveFormat.<init>(SaveFormat.java:75) ~[?:?]
    ... 15 more


    Unraid log says exactly the same as in CmdrKeen's post.


    MineOS starts fine, though. WebUI is also reachable. Logging in as nobody/my password works fine. Everything seems fine until I want to startup a server. Then the log says the above.

    In my case it's a forge server latest version I am trying to start.


    *UPDATE: Applying Docker in "Privileged" mode seems to work.

  8. 18 hours ago, ich777 said:

    You could use a VNC desktop client than copy and past would work, at least for the clipboard, like TightVNC or TigerVNC.

    The only thing you have to do is to add another port mapping to the container template, see two posts above.


    If you want do import physical files you can copy it to the main directory of thunderbird that lives in your appdata folder and the import it in the container, in thunderbird go then to /thunderbird/yourcal.cal file.

    Or you could map a dirctory where you can save attachments and access it on the Host or even over samba.

    Thank you, I'll try the VNC solution and also mapping another directory for import/export.

    • Like 1
  9. Hi, I'm in the process of setting up your thinderbird docker and have some questions:


    How can I open links in mails on my local machine (the computer I use to connect to thunderbird via noVNC webUI)?

    I know I could copy and paste the link, but I would prefer that they open when I click them. Is that possible?


    How would I import contacts or calendars?

  10. +1 from me.

    This would be awesome and very helpful for working with shares you download to but because you also need them to be present in PLEX for example and have them on the arrey to be safe and them being bigger in size than 1 TB (meaning bigger than your cache drive) and additionally you want to work with TinyMediaManager on them you set those shares to "Use cache: Yes". A progress bar would be VERY helpful in this usecase!


    Any news on that?

    Will we get this in 6.9?

  11. Hey there, Thank you for your Dockers, especially TinyMediaManager.


    Unfortunately I have some problems with it and I don't know how to solve them.

    It looks ok, when I scrape a movie - I get the pictures and metadate in the UI and everything seems fine (I can browse pictures and replace them manually, etc, meaning working in the UI is fine).

    But it doesn't seem to download anything into my movie's folder - for trailers there is at least an error popping up.


    This is what the log says:

    Does anyone know what is going on and how I can get TMM to actually download the scraped data?


    Edit: I set the share TMM works in to use cache (cache=yes) instead to cache=only.

    So it downloaded the changes/pics/etc. to the cache and the mover would move them to the arrey, which is not really efficient in production.

    Stupid me - sorry, my bad.

  12. 6 hours ago, CryPt00n said:

    Maybe someone more experienced could explain this network thing for you/us. :)

    Hmm, I'm sorry I didn't think of it earlier, since I stumbled upon this a while ago and then forgot.


    pretty much explains it all..., more or less ;) .

    I haven't understood everything yet, but I'm on my way there...

    I have more questions, but I'm gonna ask them on discord. Thank you 👍

  13. On 11/29/2020 at 7:38 AM, reyes136 said:

    I ran a test at this site https://whatismyipaddress.com/ds-check and it only shows IPv4 address, and says IPv6 not detected , IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Test. Does this mean that my provider is not using Dual-Stack or DS-Lite?

    Well, the site says: "...if only IPv4 is detected, then your ISP doesn't provide Dual-Stack yet".

    But I am not sure, if that means you are also not on DS-Lite.


    Dual-Stack and DS-Lite are NOT the same, btw:

    Dual-Stack means you are reachable from the internet via IPv6 and IPv4.

    DS-Lite means that you are NOT reachable from the internet via IPv4, because several users share one public IPv4 which then gets tunnelled through the IPv6 network of the provider to the different users.

    A better way to find out is to check in your router settings or write a quick mail to your provider.

  14. IneedHELP.png.ba90358fff9c8ab2a898f48b09737eff.png

    The question which makes this post relevant in this forum is further down in bold.


    On 11/29/2020 at 9:36 PM, CryPt00n said:

    Hi, i´m using SWAG for multiple services now, but want to change the ports/give it an own ip. I want swag to have an own ip in my network, to resolve all my domains in my lan to it and dont have problems with ports (80,443).


    Hi guys and CryPt00n, I have kind of a similar setup as CryPt00n here (I quoted him mainly to connect the posts, since we might be on a similar way). Except it's not an SBC, but a Fujitsu I want to have as kind of a gate-server between router and unRaid server. I installed Cent OS 7 and on it docker and docker-compose. I am aware I'll have to open the ports on the centos firewall.

    Now I need to know how my docker-compose file would have to look like. I tried to translate the docker setup from unraid into a docker-compose.yml file:

    version: '2.1'
        image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/swag
        container_name: swag
          - NET_ADMIN
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1000
          - TZ=Europe/Berlin
          - URL=mydomain.com
          - SUBDOMAINS=www,flexcloud,sonarr,radarr,hydra2,sabnzbd,tautulli,minecraft,documentserver,galacticraft
          - VALIDATION=http
          - EMAIL=my@email
          - /proxyflex/config:/config
          - /proxyflex/www:/config/www
          - 443:443
          - 80:80
        restart: unless-stopped

    Is something missing?


    I also can't figure out what exactly my proxy_conf files would have to look like.

    Let's take nextcloud, for example:

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        listen [::]:443 ssl;
        server_name nextcloud.*;
        include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
    	add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload;";
        client_max_body_size 0;
        location / {
            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
            resolver valid=30s;
            set $upstream_app nextcloud;
            set $upstream_port 443;
            set $upstream_proto https;
            proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;	<= put unraid server IP there?*
            proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m;

    Could someone be so kind and tell me the correct configuration?

    For example what is the correct resolver IP if I host the swag container on the Fujitsu?

    * Which IP to put there? Unraid official IP? Or the IP unraid has in the network created by swag on the Fujitsu? How would I find that out? Or not unraid's IP at all but the nextcloud container's on unraid?


    I understand that the swag container and the other docker containers supposed to use the reverse proxy have to be in the network created by swag.

    How would I do that in unraid with an external swag installation?

    Simply check the networks on the Fujitsu and assign the corresponding IPs to the dockers on the unraid server in the docker setups?

    Or would I create the same network in unraid? How would I do that?


    I am fairly new to linux and unraid and docker, but I want to learn. I tried to be as clear as possible about my needs and hope someone will help me.

    Thank you in advance and cheers :)

  15. On 11/26/2020 at 6:42 AM, reyes136 said:

    Is their something im missng?

    Well, yes, there might be.

    You have to check, whether your ISP has you connected on Dual-Stack or DS-Lite.

    The latter has the problem, that it is unreachable from the outside for services like FTP or openVPN, or any other service that needs to reach a certain IP and port, because in this case many people/users share one real IPv4 that gets tunneled through the ISP's IPv6-net to the different users. This means there is an extra address to resolve, which can't be done. Why? I don't know. If you are interested in knowing more, google "Dual Stack vs DS-Lite".


    But don't worry, even if you are on DS-Lite, there are ways:

    - you could switch to IPv6 entirely or

    - use a service like Feste-IP.net to get a DS-Lite/IPv6-Portmapper. Check or compare, prices for this should be rather low.


    And you can always try and ask your ISP to provide you with a fixed IPv4. Many providers do it for free again since the internet provider industry did the switch to IPv6 recently, thus freeing a lot of IPv4 addresses.

  16. I wish for the DockerUI to become possible to manage dockers outside the unRaid environment (much like Portainer, but more rudimentary).


    I have some other devices in my network, which also run dockers.

    I found a solution with Portainer. Running as Docker in unRaid I can manage any docker anywhere.

    Although it works perfect, it seems to me a bit over the top, since Portainer offers so much more functionality than necessary in my use case.

    And with unRaid having this super easy and comfortable UI for docker management, you come to the point where you think:

    can't there be just one UI to rule them all?

    I believe unRaid has the potential to become THE server OS on the market. This feature would definitely be a step into this direction.

  17. Update:


    YES! Ich habe es geschafft.



    Auch wenn das mit meinem ursprünglichen Post eigentlich nix zu tun hat:


    Es ist möglich Docker auf anderen Geräten im Netzwerk mit Portainer (als Docker auf unRaid) zu managen. Ich habe das über den EDGE-Agent realisiert.



    Ich dachte, der Vollständigkeit halber sollte ich noch das Ergebnis meiner Tüftelei mitteilen:


    Am Ende habe ich also davon abgesehen, Portainer übers web zugänglich zu machen - aus Sicherheitsgründen (wie von vakilando beschrieben, danke!).

    Dafür habe ich gelernt, dass man durchaus andere Geräte im LAN hinter einen auf unRaid installierten Reverse Proxy schalten kann,

    und das es möglich ist, Portainer auf unRaid als Docker laufen zu lassen und darüber andere Docker (und sogar unRaid's Docker) zu steuern. Diese müssen noch nicht einmal im selben LAN sein, man kann x-beliebige Container/Stacks egal wo (also auch über WAN) managen.

    Ich habe die einfachste Variante gewählt, die komplizierteren Varianten erfordern DNS-Kenntnisse, da u.U. eine subdomain benötigt wird.


    Noch großartiger wäre es natürlich, wenn in der Zukunft irgendwann die Möglichkeit bestünde, der Docker UI in unRaid einfach andere Docker außerhalb von unRaid zuzufügen, sodass Portainer ganz überflüssig ist.

    Und jetzt versuche ich noch, diesem Thread einen Namen zu geben, der aussagt, was hier drin steht o.0 ...

  18. Großartig!

    Vielen Dank für die ausführlichere Antwort :)!


    Ja, du hast recht - das klingt sehr plausibel, es ist wohl keine so gute Idee, Portainer von außen über subdomain erreichbar zu machen. OpenVPN ist sowieso schon auf unRaid als Docker installiert, um auf unRaid von außen zuzugreifen. So werd ichs dann auch mit Portainer machen. Hätt ich gleich dran denken sollen, aber Ich entdecke grade erst die Welt von DNS, Domains und Subdomains und linux und swag und Reverse Proxies - da verknotet sich schnell mal das Gehirn :D!


    Evtl. ließe es sich auch einrichten einen Portainer Docker in unRaid zu installieren und darüber dann den Portainer oder gleich alle docker auf dem odroid anzusteuern? Evtl. brauche ich also Portainer gar nicht auf dem odroid.

    Ich meine bei der Portainer-Einrichtung was entsprechendes gelesen zu haben.


    Wie gesagt nochmal vielen Dank - ich werde dann mal weitertüfteln...

  19. Moin Moin liebe unRaid Kollegen,


    da ich nicht sicher bin, wo genau ich meine Frage im Hauptforum unterbringen könnte, frage ich erstmal hier.

    Wahrscheinlich (wenn wir mir hier nicht helfen können) probiere ich es am Besten noch im "swag support" Thread?


    Ich habe mich auf den ersten Blick in unRaid verliebt und mir direkt einen kleinen Server aus altem Gehäuse, MB und was halt sonst noch in einem guten Nerdhaushalt rumliegt zusammengebastelt. Na gut. Ein paar neue Platten mussten her, aber nach dem meine älteste von 2010 war (500GB) und zuletzt immer deutlicher Performanceeinbußen gezeigt hat, war es sowieso an der Zeit. Außerdem ist mir kürzlich eine deutlich jüngere Platte (3TB) abgeraucht, bei der der Datenverlust doch schmerzhaft war. Mehr Datensicherheit war also auch ein Motivator.

    Ich habe Mitte August angefangen zu basteln und zu testen.

    Inzwischen läuft alles super, nach anfänglichen Problemen mit USB auf meinem MB (welches ich dann ausgetauscht habe) ist unRaid jetzt seit 17 Tagen stabil online.

    Ich habe meine Pflichtlektüre an "Spaceinvader" Videos genossen und natürlich etliche Apps und Dockercontainer installiert.

    Unter anderem habe ich mit swag einen Reverse Proxy installiert.


    Jetzt habe ich kürzlich einen odroidN2+ erstanden auf dem ich einen kleinen Telegram Bot in Docker und Portainer zum Managen der Docker laufen habe. Außerdem soll da mal noch ein Mailserver dazu.

    Hier meine Frage:


    Ob und wenn ja, wie kann ich den odroid, bzw. die darauf laufenden Programme/Dockercontainer in meinen Reverse Proxy integrieren?

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit in appdata/swag/nginx/proxy-confs in einer .conf unter /location die IP anzugeben?

    Zur Erklärung: mein unRaid Server hat die IP Mein odroid hat die IP Sie sind also im selben LAN Netzwerk.

    Auf dem odroid läuft außerdem Portainer als Docker. Um von überall darauf zugreifen zu können, hab ich schon eine Subdomain eingerichtet.

    A-Eintrag ist meine feste IPv4 und AAAA-Eintrag ist die IPv6 meines odroidN2+.


    Oder geht es nicht und ich muss auf dem odroidN2+ einen eigenen Reverse Proxy einrichten?


    Vielen dank schon mal, für alle, die sich für mich, bzw. mit mir den Kopf zerbrechen ;)


  20. Hi unRAID people,


    I am new to unRAID, just setting up my arrey.

    After preclearing my first disk Preclear Disk reports the following.



    Looks like everything is fine with the disk, but what's with the last part about the Input/output error?

    Why can't it create a directory?

    Is there an issue with permissions and if yes, why?

    And finally - how can I fix it, if it is indeed a problem?


    Thanks in advance for helping,


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