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Everything posted by Picha

  1. Thank you, that worked! Seems like i was not the only one with that problem. I can actually resize the window without problems 👀
  2. Hello Everyone, Right now i have routes from/to my Server to reach everything in the Subnet. Since broadcasts are not able, but would be convenient for selected services (e.g. Home Asisstant), i thought i could connect a new NIC directly to the Network. Sadly this doesn`t work, because request from the network reaching the "old" port x.x.20.100 are going out on the new NIC. This obvious makes sense because it is connected directly to the network, but leads to asymmetrical routes. Is it possible to send traffic back from the same interface it came in? Don´t route between the interfaces? Or maybe any other way to achive this ?
  3. Anyone has an issue with digikam right now ? I´m only seeing a console with user abc@Hostname Currently on Unraid 6.10.3, App is updated to the latest Version. In the Logs i get the following errors: rdpClientConRecv: g_sck_recv failed(returned 0) rdpClientConRecvMsg: error rdpClientConCheck: rdpClientConGotData failed rdpClientConDisconnect: rdpRemoveClientConFromDev: removing clientCon 0x564273f4b310 guacd[623]: INFO: User "@91a18b18-47ec-43fb-b07d-191c0ae44630" disconnected (0 users remain) guacd[623]: INFO: Last user of connection "$475e9573-6440-4406-a20f-fcc70a176379" disconnected [2022-07-13 11:10:15] [Connection 6] Closing connection with error: Error: not opened at WebSocket.send (/gclient/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:218:38) at ClientConnection.send (/gclient/node_modules/guacamole-lite/lib/ClientConnection.js:125:24) at GuacdClient.sendBufferToWebSocket (/gclient/node_modules/guacamole-lite/lib/GuacdClient.js:172:35) at GuacdClient.processReceivedData (/gclient/node_modules/guacamole-lite/lib/GuacdClient.js:163:14) at Socket.emit (node:events:537:28) at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12) at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:297:9) at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:234:10) at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) [2022-07-13 11:10:15] [Connection 6] Closing guacd connection [2022-07-13 11:10:15] [Connection 6] Client connection closed guacd[401]: INFO: Connection "$475e9573-6440-4406-a20f-fcc70a176379" removed.
  4. So, i solved those errors with trial and error, but actually have no clue what the hell i did. Could somebody enlighten me ? Did i proxy the plex websockets? why does no one else has these problems ? I added the following lines into the plex.conf: proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
  5. Hello, i am having a lot of error messages in my error.log and have no clue what it could mean. I looked it up in google, but this didnt really help much. As far as i can tell everything works, but these errors are new / i never noticed them. Tried increasing the timeout which didnt help. Error Log example: 2022/02/20 14:40:31 [error] 634#634: *10069 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: xxxxxxx, server: plex.*, request: "GET /:/websockets/notifications?X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxx-Plex-Language=de-de HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "xxxxxxx" Proxy Config: client_body_buffer_size 128k; #Timeout if the real server is dead proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503; # Advanced Proxy Config send_timeout 5m; proxy_read_timeout 240s; proxy_send_timeout 240s; proxy_connect_timeout 240s; # TLS 1.3 early data proxy_set_header Early-Data $ssl_early_data; # Basic Proxy Config proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; #proxy_cookie_path / "/; HTTPOnly; Secure"; # enable at your own risk, may break certain apps proxy_cache_bypass $cookie_session; proxy_no_cache $cookie_session; proxy_buffers 32 4k; proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size 128; proxy_headers_hash_max_size 1024; Plex Config: server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name plex.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; proxy_redirect off; proxy_buffering off; # enable for ldap auth, fill in ldap details in ldap.conf #include /config/nginx/ldap.conf; # enable for Authelia #include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf; location / { # enable the next two lines for http auth #auth_basic "Restricted"; #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; # enable the next two lines for ldap auth #auth_request /auth; #error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin; # enable for Authelia #include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app; set $upstream_port 32400; set $upstream_proto https; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Client-Identifier $http_x_plex_client_identifier; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Device $http_x_plex_device; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Device-Name $http_x_plex_device_name; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Platform $http_x_plex_platform; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Platform-Version $http_x_plex_platform_version; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Product $http_x_plex_product; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Token $http_x_plex_token; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Version $http_x_plex_version; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Nocache $http_x_plex_nocache; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Provides $http_x_plex_provides; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Device-Vendor $http_x_plex_device_vendor; proxy_set_header X-Plex-Model $http_x_plex_model; } } Errors in Plex:
  6. Yes, try gvt-d if you want monitor output. Works even if you only have the igpu installed. At least on unraid, your can run it headless. Did this on two different machines and it worked. I can't tell you how to do it on a different hypervisior tho. Did most of it via the GUI of unraid and with the help of the forum.
  7. Hello @dqmhug i`m a little bit confused what you are trying to achive. I know "i915-GVTg_V5_4" only from virtualization of the iGPU and using it for one or multiple VMs, but only for HW acceleration. You cant use it with a Monitor connected to your gpu. If you want this have a look at the plugin: If you want to use your video output, like HDMI, you have to pass the iGPU through. As described here. Are you working with the GUI or only on CLI?
  8. Update: I narrowed it down to the VLAN Router. Somehow it doesn't route correct. I set a route directly on my windows pc and can now connect to the devices on the .8.0 net. So for anyone reading this, a Server to Server connection is not mandatory if you want to connect devices from between all networks.
  9. Maybe this network drawing helps. So, (client) can connect to (server) but not the other way around. Since the client is an LTE Router (Gl-AP 1300, Openwrt) its not that easy to let it work as a server. (Carrier-grad NAT for IPv4) Also beeing new to Openwrt doesnt really help. I set folllowing static routes on the VLAN router: - DestIP GW - DestIP GW The routes for Unraid where set automaticlly and are: - wg0 - wg0 I did not set any routes on the LTE Router. Allowed IPs on -Client Side -Server Side, I did not touch any Firewall settings.
  10. Is a Server-to-Server configuration mandatory to get a Lan-to-Lan connection or does ist also work with Server-Client ? I'm asking because i have already established an server-client connection. From the Clientside i can access everything on the Server Lan. The other way around i can only access Lan devices from my unraid server (on which Wireguard Server is installed). Other devices from server-lan cant connect to client-lan. So just to get in the right direction of troubleshooting, is this a routing problem or is a server to server connection required?
  11. Hello, i cant upgrade my key with paypal. I'm getting the error "PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDs" Is it an Error on my Side? Paypal side? Lime Side?
  12. Is there an integration for Sonarr or Radarr ? That would be nice. For example: Radarr doesnt find a movie at "common source" and looks for it on Plex from Buddy - Vice versa. So, just PlexRipper as an additional Indexer.
  13. Also VM ist soweit eingerichtet. Kann auf den ersten Blick keinen Unterschied feststellen. System ist aber gerade auch nicht im Idle, muss ich also später nochmal nachschauen. Da wir schon dabei sind: Mit welchen Settings messt ihr eigentlich den Stromverbraucht ? Nur das ich auch richtig vergleiche. Also: HDD Spindown?, Docker Aus-An?, VM laufen lassen ? Hab das jetzt eher "realistisch" gemacht, also quasi alles an gelassen, was später auch an ist, diverse Docker und VMs. Ich finde es halt ärgerlich das mein Grundverbrauch so hoch ist. Also die genannten 60-70 Watt. Wenn Plex 3-4 Streams transkodiert (über iGPU) und nebenbei noch was in einer Windows VM gedownloaded/entpackt wird komm ich im peak vllt. auf 100 Watt.
  14. Das ist die bekannte Streitfrage zwischen Langlebigkeit<->Stromsparen. Dachte 5 Stunden ist ein "guter" mittelweg. Bis gestern hatte ich nichtmal einen Spindown eingestellt. Ok. Ja, Backups werden wöchtenlich gemacht.
  15. Ok, is erstmal wieder auf Performance gestellt. Ist ein Be quiet S9-400w Unraid Version is übrigens die aktuelle 6.9.2 Setze ich gleich auf, werde berichten Hab mich selber schon geärgert am Mainboard gespart zu haben. Will in zukunft aber die WD-Red durch größere ersetzen wodurch ich weniger SATA Anschlüsse brauche. Abgesehen vom Stormspareffekt läuft es ansonsten super. Spindown ist auf 5 Stunden eingestellt Kann sein aber wenn ich keine Last auf dem System habe, sollte die CPU doch wesentlich niedriger takten oder? appdata, domains, isos und system liegen momentan alle auf der SSD. Oder was meinst du ?
  16. Hallo, bin auch gerade dabei meinen Stromverbrauch im Idle so weit wie möglich zu senken. Habe bereits powertop autotune ausgeführt und mit tips and tweaks das CPU scaling auf Power safe gestellt. Im BIOS habe ich alle einstellungen die ich im bezug zu C-States/Stromsparen gefunden habe aktiviert. Habe ca. 8-10 Watt gespart Im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen kommt mir mein Stromverbrauch aber trozdem hoch vor. Aktuell zwischen 58-60 Watt ( Wenn HDDs nicht im Spindown aber ohne Last, Im Spindown ca 45 Watt). Ihr dürft mich gerne korrigieren falls der Verbrauch OK is ^^ Meine Specs: Mainboard: B460M-A PRO Mirco ATX, 32GB RAM CPU: i5-10500 HDD: 4xWD-RED 5200U, 1xWD-Ultrastar 7200U, 1xSSD, 1xM.2 pcie-ssd (Für VM, ist ausgeschaltet) GPU: Nvidia 1650 für VM (VM ist ausgeschaltet) PCIe x1: Marvell 88SE9215 4 Port Sata Den Posts nach zu urteilen könnte es an der PCIe Karte liegen aber da @calidor anscheinend die selbe Karte verwendet verwirrt mich das etwas. Schauen meine Stats normal aus ? : cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009 Report errors and bugs to [email protected], please. analyzing CPU 0: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 4.28 GHz. analyzing CPU 1: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 1 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 1 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 4.40 GHz. analyzing CPU 2: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 2 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 2 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 4.39 GHz. analyzing CPU 3: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 3 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 3 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 3.64 GHz. analyzing CPU 4: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 4 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 4 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.82 GHz. analyzing CPU 5: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 5 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 5 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 4.39 GHz. analyzing CPU 6: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 6 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 6 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 2.64 GHz. analyzing CPU 7: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 7 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 7 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.36 GHz. analyzing CPU 8: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 8 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 8 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.17 GHz. analyzing CPU 9: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 9 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 9 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.58 GHz. analyzing CPU 10: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 10 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 10 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 800 MHz. analyzing CPU 11: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 11 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 11 maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms. hardware limits: 800 MHz - 4.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 4.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 838 MHz.
  17. As far as i know the limitation should only affect iGPUs since the RAM has to share its memory with the iGPU. I recently switched from my intel igpu to a Nvidia 1650, flawlessly.
  18. @Schpammer As mentioned before, setting up 8GB ram instead of 4GB could help, sadly this is not possibly since you only have 8GB in total. Quote: "Changing from 4GB to 8GB cleared the code 43 error right up for me. Did not think it would be so simple. Thank you! For reference, I have the 8th gen i3-8100 with Intel 630." Are you able to get in the VM with VNC? Did you see the intel GPU in hardwaremanager ? did you install the drivers?
  19. I´m sorry, but i think i cant really help you. Looks like the DMA Remapping provided by the chipset is not not working properly with your igpu (just an educated guess). I also found some people with a simular mainboard, having the same problem with passing through the igpu. This guy has exactly the same error message, also a asrock mainboard with embedded cpu. Don´t know if they changed something since 2017. Maybe there is an bios update for your mainboard, you could try that. And also be sure to have iommu settings activated on your mainboard. Still, strange you can see the windows boot logo on the screen...... Greetings
  20. Hello lampchris I think we need more information. Could you give us your complete VM-settings ? Also: Are you getting any output on the screen? Or is there any display-popup from the monitor? (e.g. "No input") Is your gpu showing up in the windows hardware-manager with any errors ? Look in your VM-log for any errors
  21. Thank you @Trunkton I think it would be helpful for others if i write my complete settings and a little instruction too. Audio and SSD passthrough in this description are optional. (My) System Settings: -CPU: Intel Core i5 10500 -Mainboard: MSI B460M-A Pro mATX, So.1200 with latest bios -Running headless -Unraid Version: 6.9.0-rc2 (Started with Unraid OS 6.9.0-Beta25, so every version since then has worked for me) If you have a Intel 10th gen, Unraid OS 6.9.0-Beta22 or newer is recommend to be installed. It is the first Version with Linux Kernel higher than 5.5.8. Its still Beta, so be warned. I dont have any problems runnig with beta so far. Next Stable Version should come out soon. -PCIe NVMe SSD passthrough to the Win10 VM -Mainboard Audio passthrough (My) VM settings: Initial Memory: 9 gb (recommend: 8gb) Machine: i440fx-5.1 BIOS: OVMF Hyper-V: Yes Graphics Card: VNC VNC Video Driver: Cirrus 2nd Graphics Card: Intel UHD Graphics 630 2nd Graphics ROM BIOS: vbios_gvt_uefi.rom <- special thanks to @T0a SSD passthrough related settings: Primary vDisk Location: Manual / spaces_win_clover.img <- needed for booting of NVMe. See here for more information: "www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrWOEYldTdk" Primary vDisk Bus: SATA Other PCI Devices: Sandisk Corp WD Blue SN550 NVMe SSD | Non-Volatile memory controller (01:00.0) Mainboard sound passthrough Sound Card: Intel Device (00.1f.3) Unraid settings: Permit UEFI boot mode: Yes Kernel: kernel /bzimage append pcie_acs_override=downstream vfio-pci.ids=8086:a3f0 video=efifb:off,vesafb:off modprobe.blacklist=i2c_i801,i2c_smbus,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,i915,drm,drm_kms_helper,i2c_algo_bit initrd=/bzroot "pcie_acs_override=downstream vfio-pci.ids=8086:a3f0" <- Only needed for passing through my mainboard audio. Look in System devices for your device if you also want to passthrough. Bios settings: (Settings may differ for your Mainboard) Initiate Graphics Adapter: [IGD] PEG didn`t work for me Boot mode: [UEFI] Things to consider: -Everytime i reboot my server it "stucks" at boot. I have to go into the bios settings and then exit without saving. (dont know why, but it works) Now i can see Unraid booting on screen (i didnt saw that before igpu passthrough). After unraid has finished booting everthing is back normal. VM starts and uses iGPU. -Random freezes when playing games. Whole VM freezes 1-2 seconds. -If you reboot your VM you cant use your Mainboard audio. After shutting down your VM unraid takes the audio device and is only released after restarting your server. (at least for my device, cause its not in a seperate IOMMU group) UPDATE: Those Errors where related to my Audio passthrough. I bought a cheap USB-Audio Card and that fixed it for me. Possibly interesting for you: I thought I could use the audio via HDMI instead of the mainboard. It turned out (after disabling Mainboard audio) that both no longer work. So if you want sound over HDMI, maybe try to pass your Mainboard Audio through too. Guide: Essentially the same as mentioned by @Trunkton and @T0a. Except for editing the VFIO-PCI Config. You should not need a plugin since this is allready build into Unraid
  22. @Zan kernel /bzimage append pcie_acs_override=downstream vfio-pci.ids=8086:a3f0 video=efifb:off,vesafb:off modprobe.blacklist=i2c_i801,i2c_smbus,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,i915,drm,drm_kms_helper,i2c_algo_bit initrd=/bzroot It's with audio passthrough (mainboard audio, didn´t test audio from hdmi)
  23. Sorry, maybe i am missunderstanding something, so just for conclusion. When i restart unraid (for updates etc.), i have to mount it manually ONE time ? And after that, automount works like: 1. NAS starts -> UD sees NFS is online -> UD automounts it. 2. NAS goes offline -> NFS in umounted. 3. Number 1 and 2 repeating till next reboot of unraid.
  24. On Dec 31 the NAS was not on. It was a thursday. Its starting on sunday 23:00 an shuts down on monday 23:00. Unraid is 24/7
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