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Posts posted by belch85

  1. 47 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Please upgrade to 6.10.3 and the issue will disappear.


    You maybe have to delete the container and the directory for the container once and pull a fresh copy from the CA App after upgrading.


    I'd like to just pull the trigger on that, sounds good.


    But I'm very concerned since I've never upgraded UnRaid once before and there's also this (my post) and this (my dockers).


    What are the chances I update UnRaid and NOTHING goes wrong with any of my dockers / VMs / OS config / etc?

  2. I'm still trying to visualise the stack for containers & file access, combined with my array + a cache drive, its all a little messy in my head.

    I can't see "/mnt/user/Movies" (or in my case "/mnt/user/plexmedia") from within SABnzbd.  Presumably that's because it is a container?


    Any clues?

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    What did you changed where?

    Did you edit the startup script itself in the container itself or did you just insert it in the template at 'Game Parameters'?

    If so please send me a screenshoot of your template



    I think (but could be wrong) that error will always be in the startup log of Rust.  I've just tested by installing another Rust Server Docker and I was able to connect to RCON (and it also displayed that error during the startup log).  So I suspect something else is going on here, potentially to do with network/routing.

    Naturally I haven't changed my port forwards or anything when testing - so there must be something in your Docker that I need to tweak.


    Could it be that the network type is BRIDGE whereas the other docker is in HOST?

  4. Thanks so much for your work devs!  I've just discovered unRAID and yesterday spun up a Rust server with this plugin.

    I've managed to understand where to place my config.cfg file.  I've added some additional parameters to the startup script.  However I get error


    "Command 'rcon.password' not found"

    which is strange, I've checked the syntax and used this previously on another Rust server.  Any clues?

    Command Line: "/serverdata/serverfiles/RustDedicated" "-batchmode" "+server.port" "28015" "+server.hostname" "Dandrews Lockdown" "+server.description" "beta-testing for a hopefully more permanent server. Feel free to join/play." "+rcon.port" "28016" "+rcon.password" ""OMITTED"" "+server.identity" ""my_server_identity""
    Command 'batchmode' not found
    server.port: "28015"
    server.hostname: "Dandrews Lockdown"
    server.description: "beta-testing for a hopefully more permanent server. Feel free to join/play."
    rcon.port: "28016"
    Command 'rcon.password' not found
    server.identity: "my_server_identity"
    Server Config Loaded


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