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Posts posted by uaborne

  1. I just resolved my issue. From the dockers console I ran the following commands which allowed me to login. 

    /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli --key "vpn.server.daemon.enable" --value "false" ConfigPut
    /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli --key "vpn.daemon.0.listen.protocol" --value "tcp" ConfigPut
    /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli --key "vpn.server.port_share.enable" --value "true" ConfigPut
    /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli start


    • Thanks 3
  2. I believe I have an idea as to the issue. My new server has 64 cores so I'm assuming it's trying to launch a large amount of tcp/udp daemons and it's causing the problem.


    Is there somewhere I can modify this setting or a command i can run via console to set these numbers lower to test since I can't get into the openvpn webui's settings? 

  3. I'm currently experiencing the same issue as cherritaker. Same info except I used /mnt/cache and it's a new container.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure what's going on looking at the openvpn logs.


    Full logs here if needed.


    Additional Info: Seems to be something wrong with this server. I have another server that I just installed the container on and it works fine. The server the issue is on is newly setup and going to replace the other one.


    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Starting factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b97d230>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Stopping factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b9f0d70>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status': xml/authrpc:250,sagent/saccess:62,subscription/subxml:19,subscription/subxml:29 (exceptions.AttributeError)
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "-" - - [11/Feb/2020:00:43:35 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 200 328 "-" "Twisted/XMLRPClib"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] SESSION ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status' (9000)"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] ERROR in renderHTTP (astatus.py)'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] GetSubscriptionStatus: <Fault 9000: "exceptions.AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'status\'">'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] GetSubscriptionStatus: <Fault 9000: "exceptions.AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'status\'">'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Starting factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b97dc80>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Stopping factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b97d230>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "-" - - [11/Feb/2020:00:43:35 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 200 197 "-" "Twisted/XMLRPClib"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] SESSION ERROR: GuardSession instance has no attribute 'node': flat/twist:24,flat/ten:83,flat/flatstan:103,flat/ten:70,flat/ten:61,flat/flatstan:264,flat/ten:70,flat/ten:61,flat/flatstan:247,flat/flatstan:236,verge/verge:186 (exceptions.AttributeError)"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [UDSProxyQueryProtocol,client] expired session 6fbd...'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [UDSProxyQueryProtocol,client] Logout of portal <twisted.cred.portal.Portal object at 0x14fb0ba7fcd0>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Starting factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b99f5f0>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] SESSION ERROR: ('Could not adapt', <pyovpn.web.weberr.SessionError object at 0x14fb0b98ea10>, <InterfaceClass nevow.inevow.ISession>): internet/defer:654,admin/autils:1064,admin/autils:601 (exceptions.TypeError)"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] ERROR in renderHTTP (astatus.py)'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] <bound method AdminServerStatus.chain_get_running_state of <pyovpn.admin.astatus.AdminServerStatus object at 0x14fb0b9e9410>>: ('Could not adapt', <pyovpn.web.weberr.SessionError object at 0x14fb0b98ea10>, <InterfaceClass nevow.inevow.ISession>)"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] <bound method AdminServerStatus.chain_get_running_state of <pyovpn.admin.astatus.AdminServerStatus object at 0x14fb0b9e9410>>: ('Could not adapt', <pyovpn.web.weberr.SessionError object at 0x14fb0b98ea10>, <InterfaceClass nevow.inevow.ISession>)"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Starting factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b99faf0>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Stopping factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b97dc80>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "-" - - [11/Feb/2020:00:43:35 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 200 114 "-" "Twisted/XMLRPClib"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "-" - - [11/Feb/2020:00:43:35 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0" 200 314 "-" "Twisted/XMLRPClib"
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Stopping factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b99f5f0>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] SESSION ERROR: SESSION: Your session has expired, please reauthenticate (9007)'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Feb/2020:00:43:35 +0000] "GET /admin/status_overview HTTP/1.1" 500 963 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"'
    2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: '2020-02-10T18:43:35-0600 [pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory#info] Stopping factory <pyovpn.xml.udscli.UDSProxyQueryFactory instance at 0x14fb0b99faf0>'
    2020-02-10T18:43:40-0600 [stdout#info] License Info {'apc': False, 'concurrent_connections': 2}
    2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel#info] Timing out client: IPv4Address(type='TCP', host='', port=59280)"
    2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel#info] Timing out client: IPv4Address(type='TCP', host='', port=59281)"
    2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:44:29-0600 [twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel#info] Timing out client: IPv4Address(type='TCP', host='', port=59282)"
    2020-02-10T18:44:35-0600 [stdout#info] [WEB] OUT: "2020-02-10T18:44:35-0600 [twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel#info] Timing out client: IPv4Address(type='TCP', host='', port=59274)"


  4. 24 minutes ago, aptalca said:

    Do you have htpasswd file in both letsencrypt and heimdall? If so, delete the one in heimdall.


    If not, clarify what you're doing. It's not clear where you're running the htpasswd command and where you're deleting the default file.


    I just found these errors in letsencrypt log so i was just about to ask where the htpasswd file should be. I only had it in heimdall so i should copy it to the letsencrypt config folder instead?


    for reference i ran docker exec -it heimdall htpasswd -c /config/nginx/.htpasswd <username> in the unraid console/terminal and I deleted the default file from the heimdal folder /nginx/site-confs. 


    2019/09/05 12:15:05 [error] 378#378: *9 open() "/config/nginx/.htpasswd" failed (2: No such file or directory), client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: links.*, request: "GET / HTTP/2.0", host: "x.x.com"


  5. I'm having issues setting up the password auth through my reverse proxy. I've done the htpassd command and deleted the default file. Restarted and force updated the heimdall docker and all attempts to login give me 403 forbidden. What should I be looking at/for to correct this? It works if I don't have basic auth enabled in the letsencrypt conf file.

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