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Report Comments posted by mlody

  1. I don't think its the plex container.  I have a BTRFS pool that I use for camera recordings and Plex has not relationship with it and it experiences the spin up and spin down.  Weirdly, the pool is raid0 and it will spin up 1-3 drive while there are 5 of them in the pool.  So, it can't even be a read operation because it would need to spin up all of the drives for a read operation.









  2. I updated to RC2 and now I have a boot loop on the blue screen.  it counts down to 0 and then restarts to 5 and keeps doing that.  Hitting enter on the keyboard doesn't do anything.  I'm trying to download the zip file to replace the bz files but I can't find the link... can someone point me to the link and/or give suggestions on how to fix this?

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