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Posts posted by NerdyGriffin

  1. 3 hours ago, SimonF said:

    Yes the GPU sound

    I made the change (set "Sound Card" to none in VM template) and unfortunately it made no difference for me.


    Though I would say that based on your description of your problem and mine, we are dealing with a completely different issue

    You seem to have full freezing/crashing/restarting, whereas mine is technically "stable" but it just freezes or stutters momentarily, but I haven't had an crashes or restarts.


    Mine is technically functional, but the performance is seriously handicapped or bottlenecked compared to what it did before the 6.9 update.



  2. On 5/3/2021 at 12:21 PM, SimonF said:


    Any one else able to try testing without a sound card passed thru?



    Out of curiosity, are you referring to setting the "Sound Card" dropdown menu to the device corresponding to the Nvidia GPU, or do you mean passing through a PCIe soundcard?


    If you are referring to the "GPU sound card", then I will try out changing that setting on my own computer and let you know what happens. If not, then I guess there isn't much I can do to help


    I used to pass through a PCIe soundcard to my Windows VM, but I have since bought an analog mixer board that has a USB DAC built in, so now am using that mixer as my audio for the Windows VM and I gave the PCIe soundcard to a Volumio VM instead. I made that switch a month or two before the update to Unraid 6.9, so it probably isn't relevant here, but I figured I'd mention it just in case

  3. I have tried literally all of the suggestions in this thread, and non of them have fixed the problem for me. It used to be perfectly find in Unraid 6.8, and now I cannot play games anymore because the whole computer will just freeze for about a second and then jump up to normal FPS, and then freeze again a second or two later, and then repeat until I `Alt+f4` out of the game. Even just web browsing it laggy, every time I try to open the file explorer or a web browsers it freezes up for a few seconds before going back to seemingly normal


    The task bar usage doesn't show anything unusual, and these lag spike are unpredictable and do not seem to correlate with anything that is going on inside the VM or in the server (docker, other VM's, etc.)


    I just wish I knew what the cause was, even if I cannot fix it, 

    it is super annoying having it behave like this and there is seemingly no cause other than the Unraid update nearly a month ago.

  4. I have the same problem, but my CPU Scaling is set to Performance, so changing that didn't solve the problem. The CPU usage and RAM usage in task manager inside the Windows VM show low to medium usage, and the usage shown in Unraid is also equally low, and yet the Windows VM is super choppy and laggy even in things as simple of opening file explorer or simple web browsing. It was running perfectly fine before the upgrade to Unraid 6.9.1, so that's the only thing I can think of that could have caused this. It seems so weird that it would lag like that when the CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk usage, etc. are all fairly low according that task manager and Process Lasso in Windows, and the CPU clock speed is at 4.8 GHz (checked using `grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo` in the unraid terminal).


    Edit: After updating from 6.9.1 to 6.9.2, the problem seems to be fixed. I will come back and add more if the problem reappears


    Edit 2: The problem came back about a day later, it is intermittently lagging with occassional moments of perfect smooth performance. I have tested while viewing the resource usage in Unraid and there is no correlation at all between changes in Unraid CPU usage or memory usage vs. the weird lag inside the VM, and same with the resource usage reported by task manager. It is like there is a bottleneck somewhere, but there is not sign of additional load anywhere and it was running flawlessly on Unraid 6.7.X and 6.8.X, 

    I also tried update the VFIO guest drivers, and updating graphics driver in Windows, neither of those had any impact on the problem


    I may make a separate thread for my scenario, since my computer's symptoms are now starting to deviate from the OP of this thread

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