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  1. I recently moved and when rebuilding my server I found that my boot usb was corrupt. I replaced it, used the gui in UnRaid to transfer the license, and then booted up the same harddrives (with correct parity drive) on a very old backup usb config. The config did not have my vms but I do have the images stored in a vdisk share. I was able to figure out that I had originally used SEABIOS so I no longer get "Boot failed. EFI Misc Device" (while using OVMF). So I'm now using SEABIOS. Does anyone know what factors may cause UnRaid to stall on booting from hard disk? Here's my config - note, I don't know all of the original settings from when I set this up 4 years ago. I have the right vdisk, BIOS, and distro and that's about it. https://pastebin.com/CwEdpfR0
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