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  1. I had this same problem too. I reverted to the latest previous release by setting the repository to the following: linuxserver/transmission:2.94-r3-ls53 Not sure what the deal is, but it has something to do with the 3.0 release.
  2. PUID is supposed to be the user id and PGID is supposed to be the group id of the user transmission is running as. Check out the "User / Group Identifiers" section on the docker page https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/transmission. After that you'd want to make sure the user you're using with windows has read/write access to those files/folders that the transmission user is modifying.
  3. I'm kinda stuck, same exact scenario/results as you. Not sure if this makes you feel better, but on one of those threads I posted earlier, someone mentioned how the transmission team mentioned that it was "just cosmetic", so as long as you have the correct ports forwarded the program SHOULD function and allow you to seed. I'm going to keep an eye on it though.
  4. Okay... I have been banging my head against the wall with the same issue on the same day you posted this. Ports forwarded on the firewall/router and canyouseeme reports yes. There could be a few avenues that could be causing this. I got a new pfSense firewall/router the same time I noticed this but now I'm thinking that's a coincidence. Checking the git issues page there looks to be a couple of threads on this over the years and it looks like an ipv6 dns entry on their end could be causing this. https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/381 https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/407 https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/1190 https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?t=14274 However... both of those threads point to performing a curl against portcheck.transmissionbt.com... well... I am getting an http timeout messages when I do that, so maybe the portcheck site the transmission team has is down right now and that's all it is? isitdownrightnow is also reporting it as down? Maybe it only responds to http post requests? but the git issues threads above are just hitting it with GET requests without issue... https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/portcheck.transmissionbt.com.html I have my container setup in bridge mode but that shouldn't cause any issues as it wasn't before. One of the git issues threads mentioned that the dev team said it was cosmetic only? I can't figure out if the site is truly down or there's something more at play, I have dns host overrides configured on pfSense to set that portcheck hostname to ipv4 so there's no way it could be the ipv6 vs ipv4 issue in this instance. I hope this helps and at the very least we can figure out why this is happening.
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