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Posts posted by sluggathor

  1. hi

    i shucked a wd elements 8tb into my array and now i am getting the error that the parity drive hast to be the biggest.

    my current setup is:


    data: 6 disk (4-8tb wd reds)

    parity: 1 disk (8tb wd red)


    i want to add the shucked drive as a data disk but get the error about parity not being the biggest disk.

    sector counts on the disks are identical


    what gives?


    EDIT: nvm the partition on the shucked drive is slightly smaller than the parity ( 7.814.025.540 vs 7.814.026.532)



  2. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    You never need to actually pre-clear any drive.  If the drive isn't precleared, then Unraid will automatically clear it when adding it as a new drive to a parity protected array


    Without a parity drive (or on a new config and assigning a parity drive), Unraid will not automatically clear any new additional drive


    if i understand you correctly i woud have to do a big data shuffle when adding new disks? adding existing disks in a vm (pre-formatted as xfs) will give me the unmountable: unsupported partition layout error. my existing disks are all xfs and about 75% full of data. i think i might get the same error when trying with them.

    i read somewhere that unraid partitions disks from sector 64 onwards and that might be the reason for the error since all my drives start at 0


    and another thing just to clarify for me: if i somehow manage to add my disks to a new and unprotected array i could later add a parity drive without losing any existing data? (ofc if nothing fails beforehand)

  3. hi,

    if i setup unraid without a parity drive (for the moment) - do i still need to clear the drives i am adding to the new array? i am thinking about switching back to unraid but don't want to do the data shuffle with all my existing drives (all in xfs).


    so tldr: new setup, no parity for now, add drives with existing data, skip clearing?, add parity drive later and establish parity.

  4. hi,

    i have a share for all my data. i run 4 WD RED 4TB + 1 8TB as parity disk - with my old ocz ssd as cache. I reformated the cache drive as xfs after i noticed the huge read/write amount happening for no reason under btrfs. since then my share is marked as unprotected despite it not being cached at all.


    Screenshot 2020-09-24 171557.png


    i ran a full parity check and nothing changed (came back clean) - any pointers are appreciated?

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