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  1. I would like to add a folder "Media" in order to create a structure of: /disk1/media/Movies1 /disk1/media/MoviesCurrent /disk1/media/Shows1 /disk1/media/ShowsCurrent Currently the structure is: I have files and folders within these folders right now. What is the best way to make these changes ? I have a cache drive right now which includes these folders Presumably I would clear the cache first ? Thanks for your help.
  2. I have a disk (which is the sole survivor of a previous unraid server disaster in which I managed to fry 6 disks with a faulty PSI). The disk does have data on it, which I am happy to scrub in a format. The device is ahown as "Dev 1" below. The current issue is that the option to add this to the array is not present. See screen shot attached. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks.
  3. I have a share structure that I want to change to accommodate Plex. Current structure: mnt/user/Movies1 mnt/user/Shows1 mnt/user/Photos Target structure: mnt/user/Media/Movies1 mnt/user/Media/Shows1 mnt/user/Media/Photos I'll then create a share for Plex as: mnt/user/Media How can I effect this ? Is there a plugin to do this ? Or do I have to create the new folder structure in Windows ? Thanks.
  4. OK. So having given this some more thought: Does this make sense? Parity - WDRED Plus 4TB- 3.5in HDD Cache - WDRED 500GB SA500 2.5in SSD Drive 1 - WDRED Plus 4TB- 3.5in HDD (Older / Archive) Drive 2 - WDRED 1TB SA 2.5in SSD (Current Stuff) - ?? Maybe to sit outside of the array ? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for this. Question: Would it be sufficient to repair the Parity drive ? Could I then rebuild the data in new drives, without repairing the old data drives ? This really would be a temporary situation...a few weeks; until I can get some breathing room.
  6. TLDR; I burnt out the logic boards on 4 out of the 5 hard drives, including the parity. Complete loss. (Make sure you have a big enough PSU - don't keep switching it off and on). Devastated. Looking to rebuild. I don't have oodles of cash to spend on a drive array that has no data. I figured that I would buy new drives as and when I need them / when they come on sale. My data storage needs have been reset to zero. Data needs; Photo's: < 1TB Shows and Movies over the next year: approx 2TB Other Stuff: <500GB Practical Needs => Serve up Shows and Movies to Kodi. Want to ensure that there is little to no lag (snappy and responsive) I am thinking about this drive config and would like some feedback: Parity: 6 TB WD Red Plus Cache: 64GB SSD (Reusing old drive) Drive for Current TV Shows : 60 GB SSD (Reusing old drive) Drive for Unwatched Movies: 60 GB SSD (Reusing old drive) Drive for then storing Watched TV shows and Movies, Photo's and Other Stuff : 6TB WD Red Plus Hardware: Old i3 CPU + 8 GB RAM + Gigiabyte H77N MB (all 12 years old) If I lose the 60GB SSD's then no sweat.
  7. Continuing to try building temporary unraid server after main one failed. Using same GUID flash drive. I have tried to read up on this error message with no much luck; Read the hpa threads; although I have a gigabyte motherboard, I can't find any options as those described. My current setup; Parity -250gb hdd Disk 1 - 60gb SSD Disk 2 - 60gb SSD Previous setup; Parity - 6tb red Disk 1 - 3tb red Disk 2 - 4tb red Disk 3 - 3tb red Seems like it is reading the old array ... Can you please lead this horse to water !
  8. I did have a backup of the flash drive. I'll give it a go. Thanks
  9. In trying to obtain a trial license key. In trying to obtain the radiation key, I am receiving a message that the GUID is already registered with another user. Context: I am a long time unraid user. My motherboard failed yesterday... I need to source a new motherboard, CPU and RAM; an event I wasn't prepared for. As a temporary measure, I am using an old box on which I'm attempting to install unraid. This may be a box that many many years ago had been running unraid, I'm not certain. Any ideas ?
  10. I often experience large variabilities of file transfer to my unraid server. Attached is a video showing a file transfer; the speed starts off at 90 MB/s then dips down to 3 MB/s, going back up to the 30's then 50's then back down again. Sometimes it can grind to a complete stop then run at less than 1 MB/s for sometime. Can I address this without adding a cache drive ? Hard Drives: Parity: WD60 EFZX 2 X : WD30 EFRX 1 X : WD60 EFRX Thanks for any help.
  11. OK... I solved the issue myself.... =>> opened the flash drive on my pc =>> edited \config\network.cfg =>> changed IP address and default gateway to 192.168.87.XXX
  12. My unraid server has been up and running for years and years. Fantastic system. I use it for hosting my Kodi media system. From time to time, I have received the message ""Connection timed out" when I try to read a media directory, but with a bit of patience, it would finally connect. Currently, this is a persisitent and unending state of affairs. When I try to connect via the browser, I receive the message "This site can’t be reached". I checked the cables and the switch. I had recently switched ISP to Bell. There may be some complications arising from resolving subnets / IP address ? The UNRAID server has a fixed IP address in the range 192.168.86.XXX The PC that I am using to psot this has a dynamic address, currently reading as 192.168.87.XXX I thought to change the IP address of the Unraid to 192.168.87.XXX, thinking that I could do this via the USB flash drive, but for the life of me, I can't remeber how to do this ? What are my next steps in resolving this issue? Thanks.
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