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Report Comments posted by Russonti

  1. On 4/14/2021 at 5:27 AM, JorgeB said:

    Delete config/smart-one.cfg, it will be recreated when you change any setting.


    JorgeB you are a life savor!!!! 


    I am as well on 6.9.2 and my unraid web ui was soo unresponsive I could not do anything like click buttons or even do a boot flash backup that i haven't done in over a year (oops). Seriously, I thought I was a goner and going to loose soo much because my unraid server (web ui wise) was soo locked up and unresponsive I thought it was crashing.  


    How did I get in this predicament? I'm not exactly sure but in january I added a 2tb samsung evo ssd as an unassigned device to store my vm iso images and run them off that drive to keep them off the cache and array. (long story and not sure if that is or what is best practices around that. but best thing i could come up with to fix my issue). A couple months later i started getting Smart Health warnings about reported uncorrected and other drive errors. A couple months after that i was getting dozens and dozens if not hundreds of theses warnings a day. So i ran a Smart Extended Test on the unassigned disk. It some how passed so I tried to turn of the warnings and will maybe send the report results to Samsung some day that I am not too busy. A couple more months later (last week) i noticed i am still getting the smart report warnings and had been busy for the last two months so i haven't checked unraid and had to clear them out. 


    Now we are here today where my unraid server was just unusable in the web ui. I had to have my friend give me the url for Fix Common Problem so i could see what that showed.





    After spending all day trying to figure out how to back up my flash drive to my pc without using the ui and finally giving up, i googled more about this error and came across this post. That's when i read JorgeB's comment and said what do I have to loose at this point. Like I said I had to use the terminal to delete the smart-one.cfg file. But man did it instantly recover the system. I went back to the web ui and everything started working properly again.


    Sorry for the long story but i figured i'd share and say thanks again and hopefully this helps someone else 

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