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Everything posted by LinkTheCat

  1. OMG!! You found the fix for my GTX 1070!! I had 1 of my 2 gaming VMs completely locking up after the 6.9 update unless i set it to ‘VNC’. (for some reason my vm using a GTX 1650 was working fine after the update.) Your instructions (specifically enabling MSI mode and interrupt priority in the utility) fixed it immediately. Note for the next people to find this: - Any custom resolutions will need to be set up again. (i remote through an ipad pro, so i have some custom 4:3 resolutions set up) - If your VM is accessible via HDMI (even at 800x600), but unavailable via any remote software, run the MSI mode utility first. Upon reboot the previously installed drivers will likely be identified, removing the need for the driver re-install step. Again, THANK YOU!! I was just about to create a new Windows 10 VM from scratch to rule out any other variables. You saved me HOURS!
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