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Everything posted by Semias

  1. Hi ! After many research, I still can't host my website. I found that Nginx is not compatible with htaccess files. I think my website with no index files works with an htaccess, so I tried to install apache-php docker. But I can't make it to work. I've found that I have to modify apache.conf for enable htaccess, but I just can't found apache.conf anywhere. It's incredible that there is no docker with a "1 click" install. Wordpress docker works like that, but it's not suitable for me. Any ideas ? I'm lost ! Thanks.
  2. Yes. I saw in the htaccess a rule "Redirect all requests to `public/` folder" but trying to access this folder give me the same 403 Forbidden error. If I specify the Index.php in the folder, it tries to download the file. htaccess also contain Options -Indexes.
  3. Hi ! I'm not an Unraid or web hosting power user. I try to host a website on my Unraid server, with no Index file in the root folder of the website. It's a website like Wordpress with installation process. I tried first using binhex nginx docker container. I have changed my network type to my custom network and ports to 9680 and 9643 for http and https cause I use Nginx Reverse Proxy for my others services. After install if I go to my local IP:9680 I have the "Welcome to nginx!" page. So I have deleted all html files in the html folder of binhex nginx, and copied my website files in it. When refreshing, I have a 403 Forbidden. After searching it seems like Nginx want an Index file, html or php in the root folder of the website, that I don't have. I tried a lot of changes found in various forums in many config files, none of them worked. Files often not correspond to what forums explains, I think because they're not on a docker config. I tried to adapt their explainations for me without any success. So I tried with linuxserver's nginx docker, same method, "Welcome to our server" message after install, but after delete of index and copy of my website in the www folder, same problem, 403 Forbidden. Same method, tried a lot of changes in many files, same problems as before. Files not corresponding, not formated as my files etc... Last thing I tried is to Install Wordpress docker, delete all files in wordpress folder, replace with my website, refresh and boom ! It works ! I see the installation page of my website. But it tells me that 'intl' and 'pdo_mysql' extensions are missing. After days and days of trying and troubleshooting, I don't know what more can I do. Have you an idea to make things work ? Thanks
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