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Posts posted by kjac

  1. 1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

    If you see this after a fresh reboot it suggests a network problem, after a reboot the OS loads fresh to RAM, doesn't make sense it would be an Unraid issue if a reboot doesn't always fix it, also there's nothing abnormal logged in the diags you posted.


    In the past, I was able to find some "limiting requests, excess: 20.215 by zone "authlimit"" errors in the log files, but I didn't find those this time. I've made posts about the issue in the past as well. Any suggestions on how I would go about finding these network problems? I don't have issues with any other network connected devices, so there most be something more specific that is causing this.

  2. 3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Don't follow, I understood the issue was after running for a few days, but sometimes it happens after a reboot?

    The issue is my mapped network drives will occasionally go offline for no apparent reason. I login to my unraid server and I'm met with a white screen "503 error" message. After rebooting the unraid server, usually twice, the error no longer appears after logging in and I'm able to start up the drives and reconnect my mapped drives. The most recent time that this issue occured I was not able to resolve it by rebooting the unraid server a couple of times. That's when I generated the diagnostic file and made this post. I was eventually able to get the server online and stable, but I don't know how...it just eventually started working again after restarting everything. It's been working fine ever since, but this has been an ongoing issue for years and I would like to find a solution.

  3. 59 minutes ago, John_M said:

    This is your problem:


    -rw-------  1 root root     0 Nov  3 17:54 Plus.key
    -rw-------  1 root root   256 Nov  3 17:51 Pro.key
    -rw-------  1 root root   256 Oct 24 20:42 Trial.key


    There are three key files on your USB stick, one of which has no content. On the assumption that the Pro key is valid, delete the Plus.key and the Trial.key files in the config directory on your USB. You can do it from the command line with


    rm /boot/config/Trial.key
    rm /boot/config/Plus.key


    Then reboot.


    That fixed it. Thanks

  4. I'm still having this issue but no one ever responded so here I am again. I can boot up unraid just fine, but I keep getting this error even after a reboot.


    May 19 19:31:58 Tower emhttpd: error: get_key_info, 573: Invalid argument (22): fread: /boot/config/Plus.key



  5. After updating to 6.9.1 and rebooting to finalize the update I logged in after the computer booted up and got the white screen, nginx 503 service error. I rebooted the computer and got the same error after logging in. I then got the diagnostics file and rebooted again and now it is working. I just want to make sure it's not going to happen again so i'm posting my logs. The likely culprit appears to be this error:


    Mar 19 18:14:04 Tower emhttpd: error: get_key_info, 573: Invalid argument (22): fread: /boot/config/Plus.key
    Mar 19 18:14:12 Tower nginx: 2021/03/19 18:14:12 [error] 10480#10480: *95 limiting requests, excess: 20.656 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "tower"


  6. well that didn't seem to work very well. It appears that unbalance isn't scattering the files/folders to all my disks, but rather just moving them from one disk to the next disk with free space. Any ideas on what I could try? I am not too knowledgeable in the linux environment, but I can follow a manual if there's another way of balancing out all these empty folders.


    EDIT: until I find a better solution, I'm using the unbalance plugin to scatter files drive by drive and just stopping the process manually and selecting a different drive, and so on... probably an overly complicated and idiotic way of doing this but here I am.

  7. On 9/18/2020 at 7:34 AM, titanarchon said:

    Thanks jbrodriquez! 


    Is there a tool for that then and maybe a feature request for Unraid? It doesn't seem far fetched nor substantially difficult to add a "Balance" option as good as this software works and the demand for it has been pretty ongoing from what i have seen in the forums. I would even go as far as to rename the "Scatter" option to "Evacuate" to better illustrate it's function. 

    I have the same question. I'm not sure the word "scatter" is the best fit for what the plug-in actually does, more like re-locate, imo. I'd love to see an option like this in your plug-in, no idea if it interests you but +1 from me anyways.

  8. The directories are structured like:


    \\tower\Movies\MovieTitle (2020)\MovieTitle (2020).mkv


    I thought the level 1 split was appropriate here, what would you recommend?


    Radarr also used to use disk #1 and that has several TB of movies as well, but it seems to have stopped using it and locked onto disk #6 recently.


    The only other thing I can think to mention is right before this disk full error popped up disk #6 was almost completely full, just a few KB of space was left. I then realized I should probably set my minimum free space to 30GB for that share.


    Now disk #6 has a constantly fluctuating free space amount, it jumps from a few hundred MB to a few KB and vise versa. I tried deleting movies stored on disk #6 so it would have that 30GB of free space, but radarr ignores that limit and automatically writes to the disk as soon as space is available.


  9. I'm not sure if this is an unraid issue or a radarr issue, but I noticed that radarr recently would only write to disk #6 and when that drive is full then radarr thinks there is no disk space left and throws up errors. If I free up space on disk #6 radarr will start importing again until that drive is full, rinse and repeat. I've looked on the disk space info screen on radarr and it shows there being plenty of free space on my unraid NAS. Sonarr doesn't seem to have this issue and writes to all disks.


  10. Damn I spoke too soon, it moved a couple movies and then went back to skipping 30 others. Any idea what might cause that? I never noticed that problem before and I don't think i'm doing anything different in the past month i've been using unraid.


    EDIT: I manually enabled Mover again and it started moving the files again, not sure what causes it to do that though.

  11. ok, looks like toggling those Cache settings triggered the mover to start working again, it's no longer skipping files. I'll set my storage shares to Cache: No when its finished. I assume that after I've loaded the bulk of my 100TBs of data to the array that I should turn Caching back on for my storage shares?

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