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  1. Can confirm the cache drive seems to be the culprit (pulling out and rebooting makes everything run fine). Will reformat the cache. Cheers 🙂
  2. Yep, the webserver crashed as soon as I started the array. I can access the terminal directly still though. running diagnostics seemed like it was taking forever, but I was able to scp the syslog to a remote machine after it crashed (attached) syslog-output.txt
  3. Ran memory test for 12 hours and reported no errors. I was able to boot it into safe mode and get the diagnostics from the GUI, attached glados-diagnostics-20201105-1433.zip
  4. Hi everyone, I came home to find my server completely unusable (image attached). A hard-reboot makes the exact same thing appear. Thinking it had something to do with a drive, I pulled out one of the 4 drives and rebooted and the server came back up successfully (I plugged it back in while the server was running and the crash happened again). I figured something was wrong with the drive and so I replaced it with a fresh one and began a rebuild from parity. As soon as the process started I got the same error in the console. Any help trying to fix this would be helpful - I can't get access to any of my files! Update: I came back to restart it again and the screen had changed, showing what looks like a kernel panic (see second image). I'm currently running memtest86 and will attempt to try boot into safe mode and try pull some logs up, will update this post or comment below when it's done. Cheers
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