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Report Comments posted by simcole

  1. 37 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    This shouldn't work for you...

    Instead I would try to do a 'modprobe radeon', that should be the right module for your HD8570.

    Excuse my ignorance, so would the config and changes you suggested translate 1 to 1?  


    1) Login to command prompt

    2) 'modprobe radeon' and '/etc/rc.d/rc.4/

    3) somehow make it permanent


    I'm hesitant to change anything because it's working.  It makes me believe whatever error occurred with people upgrading to 6.9.1 is deeper than this.

  2. I'm not sure I understand why this worked for me, so hopefully someone can explain.  I upgraded to 6.9 fine and everything worked.  I upgraded today to 6.9.1 and couldn't get into the GUI.  I found this thread and typed in the 'modprobe i915' etc and it started working again.  The weird thing I don't understand is I have a Ryzen 1600 on a Gigabyte AX370 motherboard with a Radeon HD 8570 gpu card.  I don't think intel iGPU applies to me, so why did this work?

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