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  1. Sorry about that. Updated it to all caps, still the same. I've also just tried this, still the same situation I'm afraid.
  2. It's basically a custom made torrent file, you add the torrent file to your app, you'll be the only person that has that file so only you should be connected to it. Then the website reports back the list of IPs that connected to the torrent. Ideally it would only be the VPN IP. They are as follows: --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --dns= --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 Which I believe was the default it came with, I certainly haven't changed them. I just tried that. Assuming the below is done correctly it still leaked the IP when I tried the above test again. Thanks for your help with this though btw.
  3. Hey, just grabbed this with the idea of running qbittorrent and the arr's behind it. Set everything up nice and smoothly all running through the openvpn container. Running 'curl ifconfig.io' shows the VPN IP so I know that everything is set up properly. However if I run a torrent checker, it's showing the below. The VPN IP shows up which is what I would expect, however it's also leaking my public IP which is less than ideal. I reached out to linuxserver.io as the qbittorrent client I was using was theirs through the app page, but they pointed the finger towards the VPN client, so here I am! Obviously the VPN is at least partially working since the curl command shows the IP and the IP is showing up on the checker, but somehow the actual IP is somehow leaking out as well. I've also included the settings for them both which should show that all the ports mentioned for qbittorrent are listed out in the IP list, so I'm not sure how it's leaking. Probably something obvious that I've missed, but please let me know.
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