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Posts posted by tron

  1. 11 hours ago, trurl said:

    According to your diagnostics, your appdata did have files on cache, so something somewhere was specifying a path to /mnt/cache/appdata.


    You should post new diagnostics so we can take another look to make sure you don't still have some problem with that.

    Here's the new file. Everything seems to be working fine after multiple reboots. 


  2. I fixed this. I removed everything from the appdata folder, deleted the share, and re-created it with no on cache. I had to download a backup of all my appdata stuff, because this error had deleted everything in the folder. 


    Once I restored the appdata folders, everything worked perfectly. I think the latest version update of unraid caused this problem, but I can't be sure. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, John_M said:

    If you have no cache drive then User shares obviously can't use it. Therefore, whatever the settings, your appdata share can only exist on the Unraid array. Your problem is that some of your docker containers are configured to store and expect to find their appdata in /mnt/cache/appdata/<container-name> and, since you don't have a cache drive, that path exists in RAM. So your configurations are being saved, but they are lost whenever the RAM is cleared, such as when you reboot. The immediate solution is to reconfigure your containers to use the /mnt/user/appdata/<container-name> path instead. That will store your appdata on the array and it will continue to work if you decide to add a cache drive later, and then you will be able to move the appdata from the array to the cache drive very easily.



    Thanks for the reply. I understand this, but none of the offending dockers have their configs pointed to the cache. This is why I don't understand why they are being saved there. 

  4. I am at a loss for this one. Some of my dockers completely lose their config after I reboot my server.  I did some searching, and I see people saying that the cache might not be getting written. This is odd, because I have NEVER had a cache drive. 


    Somehow my appdata, plex, and domains shares are set to "Prefer: Cache". I cannot seem to change this setting at all. I think this is causing my problem, since appdata would have all the docker configs. 


    Thanks for your time!


  5. On 11/10/2017 at 8:43 AM, dmacias said:
    On 11/10/2017 at 8:35 AM, tron said:
    Just wanted to say thanks for making this. Works great with my connection, get the exact results I spected.

    Your welcome. What speed is your connection?


    I apologize, never saw this comment. I have 50mbit up and down through FIOS.

  6. Thanks for the quick fix! I pulled in the updated container and it worked fine. One question: how do I update the WebUI link? It still points to the CrashPlan website. I saw somewhere that I can change it manually, but the new 6.2.1 Docker GUI doesn't have the WebUI variable exposed and I'm not sure how to do it on my own. Detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated.


    1. On the Docker Edit screen make sure it is in Advanced View mode (if in Basic, click to switch to Advanced)

    2. The proper default WebUI URL is: http://[iP]:[PORT:4280]/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&host=[iP]&port=[PORT:4280]

    3. If you have modified the WEB_PORT variable to be a port other than 4280, the port needs to also be modified in the above URL

    4. Click Apply button to save edits


    Hoopster!! this is badass man, thank you so much. No more hassling with the id file.

  7. hi,


    you need to copy it to c:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\.ui_info


    there will be probably one there from your local windows..... rename that one first as you will need it when you want to connect to your local windows session ....


    and for some reason you now need to change the service host too here


    c:\Program Files\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties





    please use your own unraid ip


    original will probably be





    like this i can connect to my unraid servers ... need to rename the .ui.info every time though .... :(


    Thank you for replying, I saw my mistake by coping the .info file to the wrong spot. Apparently, reading is fundamental. Unfortunately, I'm still not able to connect. I get the timeout "unable to connect to backup engine" from the splash screen.


    Did anyone else notice in windows 7 that you have to edit the ui.properties as administrator to be able to save it now? I didn't have to do that before.


    This is frustrating. Code42 really fucked us with this update.

  8. I came here for more info on the latest updates. I noticed that the crashplan docker was updated to 4.3. I'm unable to connect, though, even with my windows updated to 4.3. I downloaded the .ui_info from my unraid, and copied it to C:\program files\crashplan\. I'm using the windows connect method, with a ssh tunnel through PuTTY. Does anyone have any other tips? The reddit thread is unaccessible due to the blackout.

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