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Everything posted by mmatt21e

  1. I was finally able to get the syslog. Parity check stuck at 94% and system froze again. Still unable to run diagnostic after system freezing. Prior to this: Reinstalled Unraid on flash Did preclear on parity drive I have removed all disks and reinstalled to check connections. VM and Docker disabled. I am unable to run SMART disk check on 2 of my drives( It will start and stop instantly) SMART checks and passes on other drives Not sure what else to try syslog
  2. I tried to run the diagnostics while it was locked up, but it never completed. I had to power it down manually then it completed very quickly. plex-diagnostics-20210813-1541.zip
  3. System will partially lock up. No activity on any cpus from dashboard Cannot access anything on the server hard drive related (nextcloud, shares, etc.) I attempt to reboot or shut down via GUI or CLI but system doesn't reboot or shutdown. I can only manually power down to get system functional again. System will function normally even after parity check is complete but will lock up again within 24 hours I have shut down most containers and VMs are turned off The only ones running when this happens are binhex-delugevpn mariadb binhex-prowlarr binhex-radarr binhex-sonarr NgnxProxyManager duckdns nextcloud ombi Log of system during the time the problem happens attached log.txt
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