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Posts posted by OngoingDetonator

  1. So this is a minor issue, but is quite annoying.


    On some docker containers my WebUI links work just fine, on other docker containers the WebUI Placeholders for IP and Port don't get replaced.


    I haven't found any reason/difference between the containers that are affected and which ones aren't.


    e.g. my SFTPGo container WebUI link is http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]. This gets rendered directly as <a href="http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]" /> as the link. (so obviously nothing happens when you click on it).


    I've tried:

    * Forcing update

    * Removing container and re-installing from previous apps in CA


    I can manually set the WebUI link, but as I said, this is really annoying to do.


  2. On 12/14/2023 at 7:40 PM, JorgeB said:

    There is a regression in the driver in the latest kernels affecting the Adaptec 7 series controllers that use the aacraid driver, e.g., asr-72405, 71605, 71685, possibly others, for now you should remain on v6.12.4, see below for more info:




    is there a guide somewhere to downgrade from 6.12.6?

  3. Hi All, 


    I have only recently started experiencing this on 6.9.2, so I'm not exactly sure what could have changed. 


    Whenever I use the `Check For Update` button in the docker page, The 'checking for update' spinning continues forever, and nothing changes until I reload the page. 


    It looks like there is an nginx timeout when calling the docker update. 



    Sep 1 12:30:50 Unraid nginx: 2021/09/01 12:30:50 [error] 18151#18151: *103716 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerUpdate.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "unraid", referrer: "http://unraid/Docker"


    As far as I can work out, the script is running without issue, but the front-end is timing out from the back-end. (Just a guess). 


    I can see there are threads regarding this for 6.8.x but I believe the fixes are all rolled into 6.9.x anyway. 


    Diagnostics attached. 






  4. I'm using the chrome container and my chrome browser keeps crashing/restarting.  I enabled logging with --enable-logging with the additional parameter to see what  was happening. 



    Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")


    To clarify, the docker doesn't restart, but I get a 'Chrome closed unexpectedly, click here to restore session' constantly. 


    Any ideas? 

  5. I have a quick question about verifying backups. 


    Mainly creating the backup takes about 10 minutes.


    Dec 20 01:02:02 Tower CA Backup/Restore: Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackup/[email protected]
    Dec 20 01:12:38 Tower CA Backup/Restore: Backup Complete


    Verifying the backup takes over an hour. 

    Dec 20 01:12:38 Tower CA Backup/Restore: Verifying backup
    Dec 20 02:27:07 Tower CA Backup/Restore: appData Backup complete

    Is this normal behaviour? 


    Also, what would happen if a parity check happened to be running at the same time as the backup script? 


    This is a fantastic plugin btw!

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