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Posts posted by canedje

  1. On 1/14/2023 at 10:55 PM, DtheS said:

    Not sure if it's just an issue for me or everybody else as well. Since zigbee2mqtt docker updated to 1.29.1 I am seeing the dreaded orange broken chain "not available" under version in the Docker tab?!?


    Does anybody else have this?


    Running Unraid version 6.11.5

    Me too.

    Running still 1.29.1. Not able to update to 1.29.2

  2. On 4/2/2021 at 8:10 PM, B0rax said:

    @canadje: It works for me. all the latest updates. I needed to change the location of influxdb data storage though. it also helps to change the web path to the correct port so you can use the influxdb webui.

    Is it possible to share your setting?
    I only have my influx settings like:


    Or do I need to change something in my Grafana settings?

    I don not understand what to change to use influxdb 2.0 with Grafana?

    Also my webui of influxdb is not working


  3. latest didn't work for me.



    Did you have the controller settings Override inform host set properly in your previously working version?


    You MUST keep that set properly to use a containerized unifi controller.


    How/ where  do you activate this?

    EDIT: Owh I think I know is it this?




    EDIT2: If i use version-6.2.25 instead of latest, it works. latest still not working

  4. I did just a latest update. After that the controller didn't start up giving next error: 

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing...
    [custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    2021-05-13 12:18:52,537 main ERROR Error processing element InMemoryAppender ([Appenders: null]): CLASS_NOT_FOUND
    2021-05-13 12:18:53,362 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "InMemoryAppender" for logger config "root"




    What to do to fix it?


    Downgrading giving a deprecated result and is not working


  5. On 3/2/2021 at 12:33 AM, Michel Amberg said:

    So I just started getting this error a couple of days back any ideas?

    I do have exactly the same

    I did an upgrade of Unraid to 6.9.0

    I think it has to do something with that

    I'm not able to create and write to InfluxDB anymore from telegraf

    I did change nothing in the setup

    It did work for 6months without problems



  6. I try to add products by Pantry party as a scanner.
    Party pantry is connecting to Grocy by IP and API.

    If i scan a product with Pantry Party it will not save in Grocy giving an error 400 missing barcode column in the database of Grocy.



    Any Ideas?

  7. I do use Shinobipro now for a while.

    I do have some questions:

    1. Is it possible to set a time schedule for activating motion detection? (Only at night for example?) If yes how to set up?
    2. I do see that after a while the Shinobipro docker is using a lot off cpu capacity. After stopping and starting the docker, the cpu use is normall again.
      Is there a reason for that? And how to prevent?

    Thansk for the answers

  8. This is indeed a weak point of Unraid.
    I didn't realize this.
    At Discord there is a guy with a broken USB second time within a year. Happening at new years eve!

    He has to wait a couple days now before a new registration key will be suppoprted I suppose.

    It would drive me crazy, because I run My full automation, security and unfi controller in Unraid.

    If Unraid means to be a professional system it must do this better


    There must be a better option to support and protect Unraid.

    Why operating by an USB? Because USB is always very weak. Why Unraid not on the disk itself without USB. Or at least create an better way to get a registery key after a broken USB. I understand the miss-use posibility, but there must be better solutions to quaranty operation of Unraid.

    This make me think to look around for another hypervisor or solution.

    I realy don't want to wait for a couple off days

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