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  1. @apandey Thanks! It was late last night and I was barely able to think while typing that out lol. So I will clarify, yes you pretty much said what I want to do. I want to create a small array for the system, and then a large zfs pool for data to be stored on. I have ran TrueNAS in the past, and had horrible luck with it. I'll pretty much say, it was a perfect storm of the events that happened with it. Don't really want to go into all the details of it, but I ended up losing two parity drives and TrueNAS reported several errors on half the drives, when there wasn't actually any errors on the drives (I pulled them out and double checked them on another system). So I lost almost 100tb of data, and was able to run a recovery tool and recovered 80% of the data. Anyways, I am on 6.12 at the moment on the server. I do want to use some other other features in Unraid, so I would prefer to stick with it if possible. I can put in a couple of small SSD's to run the main array and then create a zfs pool of the spinners and use that as my actual storage. If I have to set it as a cache only pool, then that will be fine. Besides running TN in the past, I don't have much experience with zfs. But for the speed of it, from what I've read, its definitely the way I think I should go. I will be storing all photos on it. Right now, I have 150tb worth of photos. They are accessed by several users and need the read/write speed faster than what the standard xfs array runs. Copying to the server from a machine with a SSD drive in it, it was hitting 50-75MB. If several users are copying files to it, it would drop down to 1-10MB. These are all Exos 18tb 7200rpm SATA drives. I have all the normal tweaks in Unraid, but nothing seem to improve the transfer rate. So I figured I would try zfs and see how it does. I do know about the cache drive, and having them copy files to it and then letting it transfer overnight, but I would have to put in probably 6x 4tb SSDs and would prefer not to have to do that and worry about the data transferring over. Hopefully this gives a little more detail, sorry it was fairly long, but just want to make sure I explained everything properly lol. Thanks again!!
  2. Hi all, does anyone have a good guide on setting up a zfs pool? I am wanting to setup a large single pool for my users in the office to access, to upload and download photos too. Someone suggested setting up a small disk pool for the main system and then set the rest of the space as a zfs pool. I wanted the whole array set as zfs but not sure it’s possible. I have 16x 18tb drives and want to test out the speed of zfs. Only photos are going to be stored on it. What do you guys recommend for this? Thanks!
  3. Hi all, I have 2 Unraid servers currently and want to backup the data on "server1" to "server2". Does anyone know of a good way to back it up, something that has compression? I have roughly 150TB of data on "server1" that I want to backup, but want to compress the data like a normal backup would do. Has anyone done anything like this? If so, what is the best way to do it? Thanks!
  4. I have a full Unifi setup, UDMP SE, switches, etc. Was going to post a screenshot of my settings for port forwarding and see if I was missing anything.
  5. Thanks! I am trying those ports now. I was told on their forum that I only needed port 55415 forwarded. I'm testing now to see if it works or not.
  6. Have you been able to get it to back up over the internet? I have UrBackup installed. But can't get the client to actually connect over the net.
  7. Hey guys, is there a way to setup an Unraid server as a cloud backup server? I would love to make it accessible by url to have clients to point to the url and backups would go over the internet to the Unraid server. Is this possible at all? Or would installing a docker as a backup server work? I'm trying to find backup server software that can backup client machines over the internet to my server, via straight to the Unraid server or via a Windows VM with a network drive mapped to the Unraid server storage. I would be fine with either. Thanks!
  8. Thanks, will take a look at this link!
  9. Tried that and it didn't work. I did install it in Windows and got it to work that way tho. I'm testing it to see if it will do what I need it to do. Thanks!
  10. I thought that maybe the issue as well, but it's not mapped incorrectly. Here is the setup. Nothing much you have to configure from the details listed in the screenshot. Thanks!
  11. Hi everyone, hope this is the right forum to post this in. I am trying to install Minio on Unraid, but it doesn't seem to be working. I go through the docker settings and select the data location, and enter in the user/pass, but it is failing. I get this error when I look at the logs: API: SYSTEM() Time: 18:03:24 UTC 09/12/2022 DeploymentID: 9cf9a52e-76d8-4d7e-937c-5bafd3xxxxx Error: write /data/.minio.sys/tmp/8e40c609-f983-40da-874d-53e8f8xxxxx/xl.meta: invalid argument (*fs.PathError) 6: internal/logger/logger.go:259:logger.LogIf() 5: cmd/storage-errors.go:174:cmd.osErrToFileErr() 4: cmd/xl-storage.go:2387:cmd.(*xlStorage).RenameData() 3: cmd/xl-storage-disk-id-check.go:373:cmd.(*xlStorageDiskIDCheck).RenameData() 2: cmd/erasure-object.go:736:cmd.renameData.func1() 1: internal/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go:123:errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1() Waiting for all MinIO sub-systems to be initialized.. possible cause (Unable to initialize config system: migrateConfigToMinioSys: Storage resources are insufficient for the write operation .minio.sys/config/config.json) Not sure exactly what I need to do to fix it. Has anyone experienced this issue before? Thanks!
  12. I was in the middle of flashing the card to IT mode. Got it flashed and it is showing the drives now. I wish i would have tried the jbod solution before I flashed it, but either way it is working now. https://fohdeesha.com/docs/perc/ This is the guide that I follow in case anyone else needs to flash their H710 card, there are other Dell cards listed in the guide as well.
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