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Posts posted by Hydranmenace

  1. I was in 6.11 but I was having overheating issues due to bad CPU fan. Held off on upgrading due to this. Server ran fine other than occasional freezes due to temp. Replaced fan. Backed up with CA backup to external drive. Updated. Checksum was valid. Notification said I had to reboot. I get to the selection screen to choose OS, OS with GUI, safemode, memtest. Regardless of what is selected it very quickly flashes "invalid argument" and nothing else happens. I remain at that selection screen. Please help?

  2. Thank you. This did work. I appreciate your response as well. I had to use the media install tool on a windows laptop and it asked if I wanted DHCP or Static IP. I can't remember which I chose originally. Would I want static if my router assigned a static IP to the UnRaid system? Does DHCP hurt anything if I still have the router assign an IP? Asking because I now see my PiHole as a static address in my router client list, and this was not previously the case. If I should ask this in a separate thread I can, it just seemed related to my issue.

  3. I am having the same issue JorgeB. And I am kind of an idiot. I want to make sure I understand what you're saying like you're telling a 5 year old.


    Pull the USB from server pc

    Plug USB into another pc

    Copy the "Config" folder

    Paste into a different location for later

    Download the unRAIDServer-6.11.0-x86_64.zip

    Run whatever script you need to install (In my case the linux one)

    This should install 6.11 to the usb key

    See if this boots on the server pc

    if yes, move the previously saved Config folder onto the USB key

    Try booting again and everything should be back to normal? Yes?


    I am just very concerned I will break everything.

  4. This is... unsettling. I could not log in to unraid or see the server ip on my network at all after upgrading. So I could not remotely check what was going on. I plugged a monitor in and have no idea what to make of this or what to do. The message I am getting from the boot screen is

    /bzimage... ok

    /bzroot.... ok

    "Kernel Failed: Invalid argument"

    May include

    /bzroot-gui... (if selected) and then failure.


    No boot option, safe mode or otherwise, results in bootup.

    I can tab to edit options but I am not sure what I could enter here that would help anything.

    Please help?

  5. I updated to Unraid 6.11 last night and after a reboot my server is no longer detected on my network and shares are inaccessible. It is not in the client list my router can display. Until the update it was fine. Router still shows everything else that is connected so I do not think it is a router problem. So I can't log in remotely to see what is going on. This is running on old hardware that I repurposed and uses a VGA cable that I can't find anywhere in my house so I can't physically look at it. So my question is can I pull the USB key, plug it into another computer with modern video, see if I can fix what is going on, and then put it back into the usual older pc to get back up and going? Or would doing that break my shares, parity, settings, etc? If I have to I can order a VGA from amazon, I am just hoping I can do something else in the mean-time.

  6. I upgraded last night. I can no longer log in remotely. Going to my server address results in "this site can't be reached". This is my own fault but it is running on older hardware that uses an old VGA for video which is now lost so I can't physically see what is going on either. Not sure what to do other than find an old cable or monitor now. If I pull the USB key and put it into another computer and boot there (where I have a modern monitor) to troubleshoot plugins and settings would that work? Or does it need to see the correct drives to work properly and lose I lose everything?

  7. I am having a "DNS resolution unavailable" error when I try to update that. I don't think ads are being blocked because I still see a lot of them. Wondering if anyone can look at this and tell me what I have set incorrectly. I really don't know much about networking. Kinda flying blind following SpaceInvaders tutorial, but it looks a little dated. I took a few screenshots since they are probably better at explaining what is going on than I could..

    I would appreciate any assistance.




  8. 11 hours ago, Vr2Io said:

    You need fix this, if pihole can't reach upper DNS, how could it serve other. Anything blocking pihole reach internet ?

    I understand I need to fix this but I do not know how. That is why I posted all the screen caps. I don't pretend to know what I'm doing. I'm a regular guy who followed a youtube tutorial.

    I noticed that in my router in DHCP settings my IP Pool Starting Address is and that is the IP pihole is using. Would that be a conflict? I thought that just meant that is the number the router would use to start looking for things on the network. When I tried an IP range outside of that for pihole it gave me an error saying it was outside the range of my subnet. Whatever that means.

  9. Hey all. I am hoping someone can help me out here. I have been using this pi-hole template docker for almost 8 months without an issue. We had a power outage the other day, and since then if I use pi-hole for DNS nothing resolves, pages don't load, and ads are not blocked. If I change my dns setting in my router to just use google DNS everything is fine. If I change it to (set for pihole in the docker config) my router insists I am not connected to anything and nothing loads. I really don't know why. I haven't changed any settings in forever which is why I mention the outage. Can't think how that would affect anything either but it's all I have. I also finally updated unraid to 6.9.2 but this issue was occurring before that. I'm going to attach whatever makes sense for settings as screen caps. Please let me know if anything else would be useful. If you look at AsusSetup 1 and 2 you will see there are two different places to enter a DNS server. Should I only be using 1 or both? That may not be *the* problem but I am thinking it might be *a* problem. I tried to follow SpaceInvader1's video as closely as I could. Also if I go into pihole settings and "update gravity" it hangs for a while then comes back with "DNS resolution not available". No idea what broke or how to fix it. Thanks for any and all suggestions.






  10. 7 hours ago, kizer said:

    What you could do is simply update


    What version are you currently running? If your running 6.8.3 you can't go back once you goto 6.9 because its recommended that you format your SSD a specific way, but if your not running an SSD as a Cache drive you can easily go back to 6.8.3 using the update tool.  < ----- This is my understanding of the formatting of the SSD to 1M, but I could be wrong. 


    The reason I mention that is you can upgrade to 6.9.1 and see if its trouble free for you. I haven't had any issues and I've been updating since 4.7. ;)

    I am currently on 6.8.3. I have an SSD cache drive and that is where appdata lives right now. So it sounds like I wouldn't be able to go back. I'm working on figuring out how to correctly use the appdata backup tool right now. If I manage that I might click the button. It's just something tells me not to push the button. I have too much other stuff going on right now to deal with trying to fix things if they go sideways on me.

  11. Hi. I have been using unraid for about 2 months now and today saw a banner to upgrade to a new version. This will be the first time I have done an OS update. Are there any recommended steps I should take before I click the button, or is the process fairly easy and clean?

  12. I am trying to set this up. I installed the MySQL docker image. MySQL says it's running. I went to the webui for cheverito to enter my info there and get the message

    "Can't connect to the target database. The server replied with this:
    SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
    Please fix your MySQL info."


    I don't know what info I need to fix? I installed the MySQL Workbench docker and I seem to be able to connect with that... So I don't know what I am doing wrong?


  13. I installed a Dell HBA flashed to IT mode. I had a lot of issues with it but it turned out that i had to mask off 2 smbus pins, B5 and B6. Once i did this i could boot and my drives are detected. However, now my lan won't start. I have an Intel network card in a pcie 1x slot that was working fine. Made no changes to that or its settings. Just installed the hba. When I'm at the ui it says port eth0 is down, check connection. I didn't even unplug anything to install the hba. And my array says "too many devices" which it didn't before. I'm in a trial still but had another week left at least. There are 7 drives in my array. It says parity is ok. Please help? 

  14. 1 hour ago, John_M said:

    Alternatively, if you only want a 2-port SATA controller, ones based on the ASMedia chips (such as the ASM1061 or 1062) are cheap and compatible.


    Thanks, the one I linked a couple posts up is using an ASM1062, or at least so it says, but after looking at the LSI controllers that seems the better way to go. I just have to watch price since most of them don't seem to have cables with them. That and I don't want to get scammed.

  15. 18 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    You cannot remove any drives without invalidating parity :( 


    sounds like your best way forward i

    • Tools->New Config and select the option to keep current assignments.
    • return to the Main tab and remove the drive(s) you np longer want in the array
    • start the array to rebuild parity based on the remaining drives.

    Unraid will recognise those data drives that are already in an Unraid compatible format and will leave their data intact.    The risk you take (which I think is unavoidable) is one of drives you are keeping failing before rebuilding parity is complete.    Do you have backups of anything critical (you always should have) as parity is about high availability - not guaranteeing that you will never get data loss.

    I was afraid of that. Although I was incorrect in an earlier post in this thread. It looks like I do have a PCIe slot available. So I could add a faster controller card and return the PCI controllers in exchange. I have looked at the hardware wiki. I am having a really hard time finding a compatible controller on a budget though. Seems like all the 4-6 port cards are using unsupported chipsets as far as what is avail on amazon. Most are using Marvell which seems to not be recommended. The sale page for this one says it works with linux though. Could I get away with this one? https://www.amazon.com/Rivo-Splitter-Controller-Expression-Profile/dp/B07Z88N9KP/ref=sr_1_52?dchild=1&keywords=pcie+sata&qid=1611523128&sr=8-52


    I mean, I can't afford to get a high end controller. By the time in the $100 plus range I start to think I may as well just get a cheap new motherboard and hope I can find a reasonably priced low-end ryzen.

  16. Lets say the above is true and not using the 2nd pci controller will fix my issue. Supposing I have disks 1-5, plus 2 parity. I want to remove disk 5 from that share (and probably the computer and just return the controller card). Whats the best way to do that without messing up parity or losing data? If I go to "Main" and browse disk 5, it doesn't show any files or folders on that drive. I also looked at it with midnight commander in /mnt/disk5 and it also shows nothing there. Can I go into my shares, tell it to exclude disk 5, and then pull it without breaking anything?

  17. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Those controllers are PCI, the whole PCI bus (133MB/s max speed) is shared by all the devices using it, so terrible for performance, you should really use PCIe controllers.

    I have no PCIe slots left, or I would. I had to remove my graphics card to install a NIC. Like I said in earlier posts, very old hardware I am trying to put to better use. I have, I think, only one drive on the 2nd PCI controller. So maybe if I remove that drive from the array and just use that drive with unassigned devices performance for that share with the rest of the drives would improve?

  18. My hardware is pretty old so I am aware that bottlenecks are here, but I was getting a transfer rate of about 30MB\s. I added two WD Red 4tb drives that I picked up a couple of days ago. The parity check finished earlier this morning so I started moving more files over, but now I am getting a transfer rate of about 15Mb\s. In addition to the drives I also had to add in this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PD9QYRN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 

    This is the second such card I have. I have been using this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CHBM29K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 for a little over a week now and didn't have any issues with it. Couldn't get the same one again as it was out of stock, but they looked the same I thought. 

    I had cache set to off for this share but if I turn it on my transfer rate goes up to closer to 70MB\s so I don't think it's anything to do with my network. Would having 2 of these cards cause an issue? Is something wrong with my configuration? I checked the serial number on these drives because I read about an CMR vs SMR controversy with these which can slow things down but according to my search my drives should not be affected by that. Is there anything I could do to get back to the 30MB\s I was at at least? I attached my latest diagnostics in case that helps. Thank you.


  19. Min free space for the share is at 0kb. I can't find that setting for just the cache drive. I only see "Warning Disk Utilization Threshold" and "Critical Disk Utilization Threshold". Nothing about Min Free Space. Im going to the "Main" tab and clicking on "Cache" under Cache Devices. Should I be looking somewhere else? The largest files I generally transfer are probably roughly 4gb iso images. Most of what I am moving is 2gb or less. I'm just moving so much at once cache gets filled up fast. Then I have to pause, run mover, then resume the transfer. Or turn cache off for the share.

  20. Hah, I am sure I have all sorts of bottlenecks. I didn't build this with any kind of optimization in mind. I wanted to try something new and had a bunch of fairly old hardware I wanted to put to some use. People give me old systems all the time when I work on their PC's. I'm not at all surprised that it is taking a while. This is going along with an AMD Athalon X64 4000+. Dual core from 2004. I plan to get better hardware but for now this is good enough.


    I'll try your suggestion of smaller transfers to see how bad the hit is. I can wait. I just didn't want to break anything. Thank you very much for your reply.

  21. Should have been more clear. I had cache on. I ran mover. I turned cache off. Unraid continued to tell me that the share was unprotected and there was data on the cache. I believe I solved my issue by just doing it a second time. Turned cache back on and again ran mover. It went "green" and was protected after that. So thank you, your advice was correct. I must have just done something out of order or incorrectly the first time.


    Related question. I notice that when I have cache on -I should note I have only a single 250gb cache drive here- if I move a lot of files to the array and the cache gets filled up windows will insist that the smb share is full, even though with the data drives I had something like 10tb allocated to the share. If I then run mover to clear the cache I can continue moving files to the array. I thought that cache would fill up and anything beyond cache would "spill over" to the array without interrupting the transfer. Why does windows only see the size of the cache as being total storage available for that share? Is there a setting I should change? 

  22. I had my array set up haphazardly because I was excited to give unraid a try and had a bunch of older random drives I thought I could put to better use than sitting in a drawer. 

    I had a 4tb parity drive, a single 4tb data drive, a 750, 640, and 500gb data drive, and a 250gb cache drive. Everything was ok and parity was good.


    Today I added another 4tb for parity and another 4tb data but because of a limited number of sata power connectors from my PSU i had to lose the older and smaller 500gb drive. It only had about 4gb used on it by the array. None of that data I would consider critical. If I lose it I don't care that much. I'd rather not, but its whatever. 


    So after restarting the array once these changes were made it of course started a parity\data rebuild. It's looking like it will take another 2 days or so to complete. I think this is about right? I think I read that 2nd parity means more reliable recovery, but it takes more time to do the parity check, correct?


    My real question is, while this is all going on, can I safely move files from my gaming PC to my array or will that hose the parity\rebuild process?

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