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Posts posted by TimV

  1. THis is the result of the short test.  The long test is still running.  I attached a screen print as the below text is poorly delimited.




    1 Raw read error rate0x000f081065044 Pre-fail Always Never 126051424

    3 Spin up time0x0003081080000Pre-failAlwaysNever0

    4 Start stop count0x0032100100020Old ageAlwaysNever111

    5 Reallocated sector count0x0033100100010Pre-failAlwaysNever0

    7 Seek error rate0x000f074060045Pre-failAlwaysNever24871967

    9 Po wer on hours0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever456 (19d, 0h)

    10 Spin retry count0x0013100100097Pre-failAlwaysNever0

    12 Power cycle count0x0032100100020Old ageAlwaysNever20

    18 Unknown attribute0x000b100100050Pre-failAlwaysNever0

    187 Reported uncorrect0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

    188 Command timeout0x0032100099000Old ageAlwaysNever21475164165

    190 Airflow temperature cel0x0022073050040Old ageAlwaysNever27 (min/max 23/40)

    192 Power-off retract count0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever15

    193 Load cycle count0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever435

    194 Temperature celsius0x0022027050000Old ageAlwaysNever27 (0 19 0 0 0)

    195 Hardware ECC recovered0x001a081065000Old ageAlwaysNever126051424

    197 Current pending sector0x0012100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

    198 Offline uncorrectable0x0010100100000Old ageOfflineNever0

    199 UDMA CRC error count0x003e200200000Old ageAlwaysNever0

    240 Head flying hours0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever73 (157 82 0)

    241 Total lbas written0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever7819716734

    242 Total lbas read0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever68405468088



  2. I just built a system with brand new Iron Wolf 8TB drives and several are throwing the occasional read error out.  One drive has been kicked out of the share twice and I'm in the process of returning it as I feel that several hundred read errors are a bit excessive.  My first drive had 1 or 2 read errors and hasn't any since.    Right now, a 3rd drive just thew out 8 errors after behaving for almost 2 weeks.    When I run the SMART tests on them, it finds no errors.    If find it hard to believe so many drives could be faulty right out of the box.   My 10Tb Iron Wolf parity drive has been a champ.  A


    I'm running Unraid 6.9.0-rc2 and my 5 drives are going thru an HBA (the drives didn't come with SATA cables like I expected).  Could that be the issue?  Is there a setting to raise the threshold for a drive getting marked disabled?  I'm expecting my new drives to arrive tomorrow and need to hold out until then.  lol





  3. I've used Unix for over 30 years (and MSDOS/Windows for even longer) so I'm excited to having a base that is not Windows based.  I find this to be vaguely similar to AIX LVM and Netezza.


    I'm building a Plex platform for my huge collection of DVD's/Blurays and home movies.   I got tired of having multitudes of external USB drives attached to an old Win7 system I built 10+ years ago.  I like the ability to have a parity drive to help with data integrity.  


    My Question:


    So far,  I've found all the things I've been using such as MakeMKV and Filebot but I'm missing one thing...  a metadata utility.   On Window's,  I've been using Meta-X by Dan Hinsey which suits my purposes perfectly.  I've done some searches in Community Applications for something related to metadata processing but haven't found anything.  What group is best for asking if something exists?   




  4. I've played around with it... changed cables and my BU40N showed up.. added the suggested line to to extra parms, restarted it and it still says no optical drives are available.   Did the chmod o+r on /dev/sr0 and /dev/sg0 and verified they took.  Nothing.


    The log shows this:


    [cont-init.d] 95-check-optical-drive.sh: looking for usable optical drives...
    [cont-init.d] 95-check-optical-drive.sh: found optical drive [/dev/sr0, /dev/sg6], but it is not usable because:
    [cont-init.d] 95-check-optical-drive.sh: --> the host device /dev/sg6 is not exposed to the container.
    [cont-init.d] 95-check-optical-drive.sh: no usable optical drive found.
    [cont-init.d] 95-check-optical-drive.sh: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 96-install-autodiscripper-srv.sh: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 96-install-autodiscripper-srv.sh: automatic disc ripper disabled.
    [cont-init.d] 96-install-autodiscripper-srv.sh: exited 0.



    Does that mean /dev/sr0 and /dev/sg6 are related to each other?

  5. 5 hours ago, SimonF said:

    If you run lsscsi from cmd line do you see the drive will be call sr0 or similar.


    [8:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  ASUS     BW-16D1HT        3.01  /dev/sr0


    then on container add extra parms, you may need change permission of the /dev/sr0 device also.



    Found it... Forget about my question on where to find it.

  6. 5 hours ago, SimonF said:

    If you run lsscsi from cmd line do you see the drive will be call sr0 or similar.


    [8:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  ASUS     BW-16D1HT        3.01  /dev/sr0


    then on container add extra parms, you may need change permission of the /dev/sr0 device also.




    Where do I access the Extra Parameters?   I'm looking in the config.


    I'm thinking Unraid may not support my CD's.   They are BU40N's by Archon.  I hooked up a finicky LiteOn CD and now /dev/sr0 is showing up.  

  7. 4 hours ago, SimonF said:

    If you run lsscsi from cmd line do you see the drive will be call sr0 or similar.


    [8:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  ASUS     BW-16D1HT        3.01  /dev/sr0


    then on container add extra parms, you may need change permission of the /dev/sr0 device also.




    Nope.  Nothing like that.


    root@Cygnus:~# lsscsi
    [0:0:0:0]    disk    SanDisk' Cruzer Fit       1.00  /dev/sda 
    [1:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST8000VN004-2M21 SC60  /dev/sdd 
    [1:0:1:0]    disk    ATA      ST8000VN004-2M21 SC60  /dev/sde 
    [1:0:2:0]    disk    ATA      ST8000VN004-2M21 SC60  /dev/sdf 
    [5:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST10000NE0008-2J EN01  /dev/sdb 
    [6:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST8000VN004-2M21 SC60  /dev/sdc 
    [8:0:0:0]    disk    Seagate  Expansion Desk   0915  /dev/sdg 
    [9:0:0:0]    disk    WD       easystore 25FB   3005  /dev/sdh 
    [9:0:0:1]    enclosu WD       SES Device       3005  -        
    [N:0:4:1]    disk    Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB__1                 /dev/nvme0n1
    root@Cygnus:~# ls /dev/sr0
    /bin/ls: cannot access '/dev/sr0': No such file or directory

  8. I have an external usb uhd cdrom that unraid is not seeing and I'm  sure I'm  overlooking something simple.    The drive has worked on a multitude of other machines so it's  not that.   I plugged the drive in and it spins up.   My makemkv docker doesnt see it and it's not in the unassigned drives section.   my searches only return info on passing cdroms to vm's which I'm  not doing.


    What am i missing?



  9. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='calibre' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GUAC_USER'='' -e 'GUAC_PASS'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -p '8081:8081/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Books/':'/books':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Books/import/':'/import':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Books/import/':'/data/books':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Books/calibre library/':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/calibre' 


  10. I was experiencing the same problem yet it was a completely different solution.   I had a Win10 VM running and had my NVIDIA 1660 card passed thru to it and things were working fine and then one day it wouldn't start.  Vendor unknown was among the problem I was experiencing.  The short of it was when I first learned about Unraid, they said you could disconnect everything from the box and set it in a corner... and that works... unless you want to run VM's.


    When I was having problems passing thru the GPU, I tried to put it back to bread and butter and then I started getting USB errors.  My problem was the disconnected keyboard and mouse.  The VM would not run in any form with no keyboard or mouse.  Once I hooked them back up, I was able to return to the GPU passthrough config and everything is working again.    It's really strange how the bottlenecking error was that of an unknown PCI vendor and not the USB while in GPU passthrough mode.

  11. Boot issue.   I had what appeared to be an array disk fail, so I restarted my system to get a clean start, but I can't get into Unraid because I'm being redirected to a COPS config issue (which is probably because the array isn't up).   


    What can I do to get around this?  I'm looking in /config on my thumbdrive to hopefully comment something out, but don't see anything COPS related in there.  There is no php.ini on there that I can find.  It's obvious Calibre won't be running if the array is down.   I've never been able to successfully configure COPS but it hasn't stopped my system boots in the past.   


    Running 6.9.0.rc-2


    Please advise.





    You've been redirected because COPS is not configured properly

    Database error

    Check if PHP version is correct

    OK (7.3.25)

    Check if GD is properly installed and loaded


    Check if Sqlite is properly installed and loaded


    Check if libxml is properly installed and loaded


    Check if Json is properly installed and loaded


    Check if mbstring is properly installed and loaded


    Check if intl is properly installed and loaded


    Check if Normalizer class is properly installed and loaded


    Check if the rendering will be done on client side or server side

    Client side rendering

    Check if Calibre database path is not an URL


    Check if Calibre database file exists and is readable

    File /books/metadata.db not found, Please check

    Value of $config['calibre_directory'] in config_local.php (Does it end with a '/'?)


    Value ofopen_basedirin your php.ini


    The access rights of the Calibre Database


    Synology users please readthis


    Note that hosting your Calibre Library in /home is almost impossible due to access rights restriction

  12. This is mainly for anyone doing a search on the ASUS Tuf  B460M plus motherboard.  I couldn't find anything in my searches last night but found a few that were close.  I thought this might help anyone using this particular MB.


    I ran into an issue with a new install last night with Unraid version 6.8.3 where my NIC card was not able to get a DHCP address and did some searches.   My IP was coming back as so after some research, I unbonded the device.  This resulted in getting a 169.x.x.x address which was progress but no cigar.  I then removed the /config/network.cfg which didn't work.  I tried the static IP route which allowed me to ping myself but everything else as unreachable.  I couldn't ping it from other computers on the network, either.   


    This morning I downloaded the 6.9.0-rc2 version and everything is working as expected.  While it was seeing my NIC in the 6.8.3 release, something wasn't right.


    By the way, I have an LSI Broadcom SAS 9300-8i card installed and Unraid found it easily and is using the drives I have connected with no issues.



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