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  1. Thanks. Have 29 dockers... I did increase the docker image size a couple years ago due to some logging issues that I think I resolved. What's the difference between the size reported by docker ps -s and the virtual? Currently lidarr, calibre and calibreweb seem to using quite a bit... I think calibre is storing deleted items in the docker image :(, not sure why lidarr is using so much. Plex problem resolved itself... newest version changes DB format and takes some time to process depending on how many indexed items you have. In my case it took about 45mins.
  2. After installing the latest plexinc/pms-docker docker image this AM the docker starts but PMS is not available (connection refused) and the docker reports an unhealthy state. Rolling back to the prior working version has the same result. Nothing salient is reported in the docker logs. Please see diagnostics attached. diagnostics-20210324-1322.zip
  3. Thanks for the quick and informative reply. does that mean the free size is also the correct on on main? and if so why is the the sum of used and free only 3.36TB instead of 4TB? It also reports the total at 4TB on main. The BTFRS calculator @ https://carfax.org.uk/btrfs-usage/ says it should be 4TB usable with my config, is this no longer correct?
  4. I have a 6 drive BTRFS cache pool in RAID1 with; 4X 500GB drives 1X 4TB drive 1X 2TB drive On the UnRaid dashboard it reports 2.94TB used of 4TB, but on the Main page it report 2.26TB used and 1.10TB free. I've done a rebalance and scrub. What gives? Which one is correct? Before the 6.9 upgrade the numbers matched and I *believe* the 2.26TB used is the correct figure...
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