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Posts posted by GumGum

  1. I started it up in maintenance mode and ran a 'check' on the cache pool. This showed that there were errors, so I ran a `--repair` on it. That seems to have fixed the issue. I then ran a scrub and there were no errors. Will try to reboot back into normal mode and see if everything works.


    If everything gets back to normal, I will most likely move everything off the cache and reformat it to ZFS.

  2. It looks like it auto updated last night and now I am getting this error.


    Unable to find image 'stashapp/stash:latest' locally
    docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for stashapp/stash:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.
    See 'docker run --help'.


    Looks like someone forgot to tag `latest` to the new version.

  3. 2 minutes ago, trurl said:

    You don't seem to have config/shares.cfg on flash. Can you access the webUI? You might try going into Settings - SMB and setting it up again.

    In safe mode I am able to access the webUI. And I have also able to start the Array up. But no plugins are running. I can see all my shares. When I boot in normal mode, I cannot get to the webUI and all I see on the console is the samba share starting part and it was like that all day today for about 4 hrs.

  4. I can access the share just fine, but some folders and files with the share show that error message above. Other files within the same share can be accessed just fine. I will try to see if I can use krusader to copy the files out. Then I could just delete the share and start over.

  5. Hi everyone, I am currently getting this error when I try to browse folders within a share. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I can see the files if I browse through the unraid UI or using krusader. But I cannot open the folders in windows (I can access some of the files in the share though)


    This is happening to just a few folders and not all of them. 


    Some background

    I have been testing unraid on a test computer and some hard drives using the trail license and was experimenting with all the features. For the last 2 months though the system was powered off and the trial license had expired. This week I ordered new parts for my new unraid server and wanted to try a few things on the test system again. Now since the trial had expired, I re-imaged the usb and started fresh (again using the trial license).


    After booting, the hard drives were already in the previous configuration and ready to be started. So I did. It rebuilt the parity but all the files were still present. When I accessed the share, I can see the files, but can access only a few of them and keep getting the above error. 


    The data is not important, but was just curious on what is going on.


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