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Everything posted by WhiteFrost

  1. @ChatNoir Hi, Old hardware, but fresh install. I'm only starting out with Unraid with a little experience in FreeNAS. I've tried doing manual USB and the USB creator thing. I also bought a new 64GB USB2, I had to use the one from creator program because I can't format it to FAT32. When I did the manual install, the server does not see the USB as bootable, and it's the same with my new 64GB USB.
  2. Hi Guys, I've searched the issue I am getting in the forum but I haven't found an answer so I am posting a new one. I had ret_from_fork+0x35/0x40 Kernel Panic not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block I have switch USB Sticks, switch RAM sticks, I ran diagnostics too. Diagnostics did not show any error. If anyone has an idea, please shoot it! Thanks a lot!
  3. Thanks a lot guys. I think I have a rough picture of what needs to happen. I was able to borrow a GPU so once I got BIOS settings to boot properly I will rarely need to attach a monitor on it again. Thanks a lot again!
  4. I see what you mean, I can't get to the BIOS without a Graphics card. I will try asking a friend if he has an old quadro he can lend me. But after every installation and setup, is there anything I would need in the main GUI? I'm likely returning the GPU after installation and initial setup so I won't have access to it.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. Is there anything I need to do in the main GUI after installing Unraid? I have an old computer with integrated graphics. My plan is to install Unraid in a USB stick using that old comptuter. And then after setting everything up, I am transferring the USB stick to the actual server I am intending to use
  6. Hi there, I just got a server and I am planning to use Unraid for NAS and other stuff. I'm still new with server stuff and I'm not sure if this has been posted somewhere before so please bear with me :) The server I have doesn't have a GPU or integrated graphics. I am planning to install Unraid on a USB in a different computer and then move that USB to the server to run Unraid (not sure if this will work as well, if you can give insight on this that'll be really helpful). The main question is can I access the main GUI remotely within the same LAN? Since I don't have a GPU to install on the server and I would prefer not to buy an old one just to access the main GUI since I'm not going to use it as often.
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