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Posts posted by looop

  1. On 5/7/2023 at 4:22 PM, JorgeB said:

    This error is fatal, it means some writes were lost, it can happen if a storage device lies about flushing it's write cache, this is usually a drive (or controller) firmware problem, you should backup and reform the disk.


    May  6 08:55:47 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device dm-1): bdev /dev/mapper/md2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 23, gen 0
    May  6 08:55:56 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device dm-5): bdev /dev/mapper/md8 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 28, gen 0


    Additionally, btrfs is detecting data corruption on disks 2 and 8, you should run a scrub, also good idea to run memtest.




    cannot restore the data, i use a new disk to the array, and data Data-Rebuild twice, it fail and i only read the data.


    look like the array fail, i try move data to another device ( new computer ),




  2. the system shows [Tower kernel: BTRFS error (device dm-4: state EA): parent transid verify failed on 1039549415424 wanted 1848 found 1690]


    and the Mover cannot run, shows [Tower  emhttpd: shcmd (800): /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null &]


    before the error happen, Disk 4 error and I use a new disk replace it, then use Parity Data-Rebuild.

    now the Data-Rebuild end, but the error cannot disapper. 😭😭😭


    my file can read-write well.

    need help.







  3. unraid 6.9,能ping到主机,但是gui进不去。😭










  4. 我是自己diy的主机,最近经常发生掉盘事件,买了两块新的硬盘,拿去重建阵列,然后就直接显示读写错误1000多,就掉盘了。




    不知道是什么原因,用unraid 2年了,就这几个月,掉盘十分频繁,掉了五六块。而且这些盘都扫描没问题。


    不清楚是不是电源的问题,我电源一直没换过,600w的金牌,cpu是amd 3600。


    硬盘掉盘后,unraid就挂载不了这块盘了,直接就不在硬盘界面显示,但是Unassigned Devices里有这块盘。




  5. 18 hours ago, paaland said:

    Immediately turn off you Windows 10 VM. If you really need to turn it on I'd remove it's network interface from the VM manager first. That way it cannot be reached, nor can it infect the rest of your network.


    Copy anything you really need to USB medium, take care not to copy anything that could be infected with anything. Then delete the VM.


    You also need to carefully examine and scan for virus any other computer on your network. Also scan the unraid server from a shell run:


    docker run --name ClamAV -v /mnt/user:/scan:ro tquinnelly/clamav-alpine -i


    This will download ClamAV, update it and run a full scan of everything in /mnt/user. You might want to scan /boot as well afterwards.


    As for security you should never expose neither Unraid or an VM to the internet directly. Never ever use DMZ. If you really need to expose a web service use a reverse proxy and setup port forwarding of single ports.  Reverse proxies often have the option to protect against a lot of hacking attempts. 


    Since a hacker managed to get into your Windows VM you either have exposed the whole thing, or you have exposed some unsecured or poorly protected service. 



    THX, I will do as you said.👍



  6. Someone try to login my SERVER, the ip / is my SERVER. the ip / is the hacker.


    he alway try to login my server.  


    I cannot FIND him, due to he ip / is my virtual machine Win 10. the win 10 look like good. 😭


    last day, some of My file to be encrypted by [ eking virus ], then I turn off the Public network ip on my router, and turn the Physical win 10 (it be hacked due to my bad easy password and Exposed it to the public network). and I delete the encrypted file.😰


    I need help. 









    encrypted file:







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