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  1. answered my own question - I needed to go to advanced view of VMs and I can override the default for the domains share (which I assume I can now delete)
  2. OK made a bit of progress - for VMs I can see if I go to manual, then I can click through and select my NVME mount. However, I want to make this the default for all new VMs - which I think is what the domain share is for. However I don't get an option to manually select it like I do in the VM creation wizard.
  3. I want to use an unassigned NVME device for my VMs and for Docker. I have installed the unassigned device plugin and successfully formatted and mounted the device. However when I go to create a VM I still cannot select the unassigned disk. I have also tried to change the domains share to this NVME device but it doesn't show up there either. Am I missing something?
  4. actually it's okay, I found a workaround - I installed it via Community Apps plugin and it works now. Strange how doing is directly from plugin menu caused above. Oh well
  5. Is there a way of doing it without this plugin? When I try to install it from: unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices-plus.plg at master · dlandon/unassigned.devices (github.com), it gives me a bunch of errors.
  6. I have an array consisting of 4 14TB WD HDDs (1 Parity) with a 512GB Samsung NVME as cache. This is all setup and working. I also have a second 1TB NVME disk that is not part of the array. My intention was to use this for Virtual Machines, for performance reason but I cannot seem to get it setup to do this. Initially, the NVME disk had bitlocker listed as filesystem (I am repurposing my gaming PC) so I had to manually remove this FS by running this command in the Unraid Terminal: wipefs -af /dev/nvme0n1p2 Now, all I want to do is format this disk and mount it but I can't seem to find out how to do this anywhere. I have installed the unassigned devices plugin, which now gives me a mount button beside this drive, but it doesn't do anything when I click on it. Do I need to format the drive first? If so can someone let me know the command to do that as I can't see anywhere to do it in the GUI.
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