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Everything posted by ChloeAAApossum

  1. Solved the issue! It was indeed the ram, on 2 of my 4 ram slot I had 2x8gb of brand A that had written on it "4x8gb". Changed it from another brand I had laying around that had 2x16gb written on it, putting the 2 ram stick in the ram slot and now the server have been running well, no crash since 3 day of uptime
  2. Yes, and the memtest doesn't want to run (it reboot the PC when clicking on it) Would it be advised to try to change the RAM in the server to the one from my desktop PC (since I don't have any other RAM stick around ) ?
  3. Hi, after a while unraid or the Webui (error 500, can't restart ngix via ssh) become unresponsive. Trying to stop the docker service don't work, nor is putting shutdown now / powerdown / reboot into the ssh (it does nothing) or via the webui, requiring a hard reboot. melody-diagnostics-20210818-1732.zip
  4. Hi, I have a Ryzen 7 2700X on a ASRock B450M Pro4 (bios version P3.50). I have disabled c-state in the bios and added rcu_nocbs=0-15 to Unraid OS in the flash key syslinux configuration. The server keep becoming unreachable (no access to the webUI, it is pingable but rebooting via SSH does not work and thus require an hard reboot). Anyone have a similar problem and know how to fix it? The diagnosis zip is after doing the hard reboot, array isn't started. melody-diagnostics-20210601-2233.zip
  5. Hi, my cache drive is in read-only, it seems like its a drive failure but the ssd is not that old (~1.5 year). Is there any way to fix it or should I just replace it (if yes how could I do it) ? Here's the diagnostic: melody-diagnostics-20210130-1139.zip
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