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Posts posted by ataman

  1. Hi All,


    In my unraid server I have two disks in the array: disk data and parity. Both are 4 TB. Few days ago I found out that my Parity disk died. I already received a replacement disk from Seagate (also 4TB).


    Both old disk and the new one are the same size, thus I understand I should follow these steps https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_a_Data_Drive ?So far, I have removed the old disk (Parity) and installed a new one. Then I added it to the array as the Parity disk (sdc).


    Before I hit the "Start" button, I just wanted to double check with you that these steps are correct and my Parity disk should rebuild (assuming my Data disk works fine).



  2. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    Have you done memtest?


    Yes I did just today, passed 2 times.


    Also checked the Ryzen thread before. What is interesting that unraid was working fine for a couple of months and just after installation of new HDDs and applying "New config" the problem started.


    btw. is it normall to see below lines in the logs? I've noticed them each time when unraid doesn't respond

 	Nov 17 22:14:21	unraid	user	info	emhttpd	shcmd (38): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart	Nov 17 22:14:21	unraid	daemon	err	nmbd[4207]	[2021/11/17 22:14:21.962095,  0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd.c:59(terminate)	Nov 17 22:14:21	unraid	daemon	err	nmbd[4207]	  Got SIGTERM: going down...	Nov 17 22:14:21	unraid	daemon	err	winbindd[4217]	[2021/11/17 22:14:21.962147,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:244(winbindd_sig_term_handler)	Nov 17 22:14:21	unraid	daemon	err	winbindd[4217]	  Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=1)


  3. 6 hours ago, trurl said:

    Or just send it to somewhere on Unraid


    I've managed to save the logs to the flash drive. I brought the server next to my desk and connected to the screen so I can better troubleshoot it. 


    Another restart/unclean shutdown happened around 22:13. What is interested that server didn't reboot, it just stopped responding in the WebGui (or ping, shares etc). On the connected screen I was still able to see the boot up lines with flashing unraid login:


    After 2 or 3 minutes, I was able to login to the WebGui again, and as always I saw the message about unclean shutdown and parity-check in progress..


    Is it possible that it's more a software issue or maybe flash drive which is failing? 


  4. Well, difficult to say. My server is running headless thus I don't know exactly what's happening there. But when I'm logging in after such a random  'restart' I see that parity check is in progress. Also in the Fix common problems I see:


    Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged




    I have connected a GPU to see what's happening with unraid once it's crashed but there's nothing displayed on the screen. Also now the system doesn't reboot itself I need to use power button to turn off and on again.


    I have configured a syslog however not sure if there's anything interesting here.


  5. My unraid was off for a few weeks, yesterday I have installed a new HDDs to rebuild (create a new) array and suddenly I started receiving unclean shutdowns. Before it was stable, no issues running for a month or more.  Installed HDDs are a brand Ironwolf NAS 4TB, SMART didn't report any issues.


    Can you please take a look at my logs and advise what could be the reason of my issues?


  6. 4 hours ago, jonathanm said:



    When you say a data disk failed, what do you mean?


    It was an old disk with bad sectors which I removed from my main Unraid server some time ago. After an unclean shutdown that disk become unmountable and I believe now it's completely dead.


    2 hours ago, itimpi said:


    Instead of formatting the disk you should have followed the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI for handling drives showing as unmountable.


    Will remember for the future. As this is my test environment - there's no important data stored. I was just curious if the format also clears the Parity drive - thanks for the answers!

  7. Hi All


    On my test unraid server, the Data disk failed so I decided to replace it with another one and rebuilt the Array. (Parity disk was OK).

    After the array was rebuilt, there was an issue with the new Data disk as it was not mountable so I did use option to format it.

    After format has been completed the Array seems to work as before.


    Just one question here, does the format of the Data disk also removes all data from the Parity drive?




  8. Hi all


    I had some issues with one of the HDD from the array. I run a SMART report and later I have disconnected (removed) that HDD from the server. Do you know if it's possible to somehow retrieve that SMART report for the disk which is not present in the server?



  9. Quick question about Dynamix S3 Sleep from me as well.


    My hardware is:

    CPU: Ryzen 7 1700

    M.Board: MSI x470 Gaming Plus



    Recently I have installed S3 Sleep plugin and tried to use it, triggering sleep manually so far.  There are no issues in going into sleep, however when I woke up Unraid (using physical power button) dockers and VMs were crashed, as well as the array. Parity check was automatically started, however in order to have VMs and Dockers working normal I had to reboot Unraid.


    Is there any chance to have S3 sleep working on Ryzen and MSI mainboard? Could it be hardware issue or Unraid configuration perhaps?

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