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Posts posted by nlz

  1. On 11/5/2022 at 9:12 PM, Faspina said:

    Brand new install from the template.  New database . Getting this

    The `20210703194509_added_balance_to_account` migration started at 2022-11-06 00:51:23.824673 UTC failed


    I see the tables created in the deb, but the container fails to start.


    migrate found failed migrations in the target database, new migrations will not be applied. Read more about how to resolve migration issues in a production database: https://pris.ly/d/migrate-resolve
    The `20210703194509_added_balance_to_account` migration started at 2022-11-06 00:51:23.824673 UTC failed
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    yarn run v1.22.19
    $ yarn database:migrate && yarn database:seed && node main
    $ prisma migrate deploy
    Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
    Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "ghostfolio", schema "public" at ""
    52 migrations found in prisma/migrations
    Applying migration `20210604190809_initial_migration`
    Applying migration `20210605161257_added_symbol_profile`
    Applying migration `20210612110542_added_auth_device`
    Applying migration `20210616075245_added_sectors_to_symbol_profile`
    Applying migration `20210703194509_added_balance_to_account`
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
    yarn run v1.22.19
    $ yarn database:migrate && yarn database:seed && node main
    $ prisma migrate deploy
    Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
    Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "ghostfolio", schema "public" at "my-ip:5432"
    52 migrations found in prisma/migrations
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.



    I continue to have issues with this as well, and have seen other posts that others have too.  But myself as well as those others have been unable to resolve it thus far. :/

  2. On 10/19/2022 at 3:38 PM, xthursdayx said:

    Sorry for the delayed response. I'm not sure, tbh... I leave Ferdium open all day and haven't run into this problem at all. I would suspect it might be an issue with your home network, but I'm not sure. Are you running the most recent desktop version of Ferdium?

    Yep!  I am on the nightly snap builds for linux.  It's odd, I can clear the cache and it works fine.  I self host a lot of things with zero issues, such as nextcloud, dns, etc.  Maybe it's a problem with the snap client, I can try using a full install maybe.  Surprised I am the only person to run into this, what fun :)

  3. Quick question -- this has been working fine as in no issues but if I leave ferdi open for awhile I get "could not load services and user information - try again" in a red banner at the bottom.  Try again doesn't work, the hosted ferdium-server is not down as that is working fine according to logs.  If I clear my cache, it goes away.  Any idea how to resolve?

  4. I can't thank you enough for this.  I was going to get ferdium server setup as a docker on unraid weeks ago but was  complex without having an official unraid docker with the settings already pre-configured.  I planned to tackle this today and ran across this post.  You rock!  Now just don't ever stop maintaining it so we can get updates haha :)

    • Like 1
  5. Really like the dashboard, hope there continues to be dev on it!   Quick question, how do I fix the time to get appropriate custom headers? I am in EST and it seems its set 4 hours ahead of that.  Ty!

  6. Backed up flash drive, ran the upgrade to 6.9.1 with seemingly no issues.  Thanks for a successful upgrade process.  I'd really appreciate being able to remediate security patches quicker on the unraid system though as patches come out all the time.  Is there a way to remediate some security only type things in the future without waiting for big upgrades?  A lot of security items get fixed in ~10 months.  Thanks for all you do!

  7. Thank you for taking this over, as I was wondering when there would be updates to that docker.


    For what its worth, I also had the issue with the resolver being unavailable.  I had decom'd my previous local dns install and unraid was still pointing to it which was causing the problem.  Even with a valid secondary dns.... So... fixed that and then everything began working again.  Maybe this will help someone else.

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