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Everything posted by Gornil

  1. Hi, I've been having problems with one of my disks since I started to use unRaid. I have 4 disks in an array, and the third disk always ends up throwing some errors when I try to do a disk parity. I dont really know how to read the error logs, so if anyone could help me to read them over and verify if it's a HW error or SW error I would really appreciate it. I've attached the diagnotic and also a SMART scan of the disk. ST14000NE0008-2RX103_ZL29JZTH-20210307-1004.txt unraid-diagnostics-20210307-1713.zip
  2. Thank you both for your help! Seems like upgrading the LSI FW and BIOS by follwoing your guide JorgeB fixed the issue. I've now restarted the parity sync and it's about 12% complete without any errors. Thank you again.
  3. Thank you for your quick reply, really apreciate it. I've canceled the parity check now. I've added a screen shot of the Main dashboard and devices I have connected. I've also attached the diagnostic zip file as well. unraid-diagnostics-20210221-1550.zip
  4. Hi, I'm very new to unraid and just installed it on a machine I have. I've mounted the harddisk and set a parity drive. I've added 3 drives to the array. It's now doing a parity sync, but I have an Incredible ammount of errors in the view. And it keeps rising. For all 3 of the array disks I have a total of 221 305 errors right now (~80% complete), with this error repeeting "UNRAID kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdd, sector xxxxx". I've tried to google, but I cant find anyone who have had this error during parity sync. What should I do? Should I cancel the parity sync? And what can the fault be? I've read that this erro can be something with the sata cables between the controller and disk. But right now I'm just wondering if I should let the parity sync contiune, or just cancel it.
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