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Everything posted by SuperG

  1. I hope I am putting this into the correct section. Hello, I have a Model Family: Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR) Device Model: ST8000DM004-2CX188 Serial Number: ZCT45WWS that is throwing SMART errors in my Unraid server. (I have an array of 6 - 8TB drives installed) This is the second drive I have seen throw these SMART errors in the system in the past month. I have attached the SMART report. Can you please review and see if I need to warranty this drive as well? Do I have a setting setup incorrect and is too sensitive? I should note that last drive that was reporting SMART errors was on a different SATA port and has already been replaced. This is a DIFFERENT drive from that one. I have kept a spare drive here in case of failure which I am pre-clearing if you see that in my diagnostic report. Thanks, SuperG ST8000DM004-2CX188_ZCT45WWS-20210420-1802.txt gemini-diagnostics-20210420-1820.zip
  2. I think I understand what you are saying now. Both ethernet connections were on the same subnet. My original goal was to have my virtual machine run on the secondary NIC. This NIC card and VM were on the same subnet. Somewhere along the way I think the secondary NIC started acting as the primary for unraid. I couldn't have the server down to try and figure out the solution. So I uninstalled the NIC and restored from the backup. But I promise you I didn't do anything to the router or any other network configuration outside of the unraid software. I'm not sure what the correct installation is for adding a secondary NIC card. I'll do some research on the forums and look around.
  3. Well I restored from backup without changing any router settings so it was totally a software unraid issue
  4. destination host not reachable for all of those. I have a backup from yesterday that I am going to restore from. Sorry if I wasted your time.
  5. I am unable to get Unraid to access the internet after I installed a second NIC. LAN works fine as far a connectivity to and from the server but I am unable to ping internet sites or access any of my docker 'programs' from outside the network. Routing table issue? I cannot figure this out, any help is greatly appreciated. gemini-diagnostics-20210223-1836.zip
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